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Getting started with One Generation Education System from Radical Empathy Education Foundation

Getting started with One Generation Education System from Radical Empathy Education Foundation

It's always great to start a conversation with a new potential One Generation licensee! One Generation Education System is the name for our complete Human Trafficking Prevention program, which includes TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story and our course, Human Trafficking Essentials.

Because we use newer technology, we are ready for all your questions. Purchasing and using VR headsets is easier than you think, so we'll help every step of the way.

Billy Joe Cain Headshot with TRAPPED and Quest VR headsets 1828x2560
Billy Joe Cain, founder of Radical Empathy, with TRAPPED and Quest VR headsets

Hello future One Generation licensee!

It's great to meet you. I want to help you understand how our educational tools work, and I know there are lots of places where things could get confusing because this involves a mixture of tech and parental understanding, so please just call or text anytime you have a question. There are NO bad questions!

In short, you will receive a 100% complete system (One Generation Education System) that teaches people about human trafficking and its associated issues, from definition to proper responses. It includes our VR application, TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story (built, maintained, and improved over a period of years with advice from hundreds of subject matter experts and feedback from thousands of users), and our  Human Trafficking Essentials (based upon 15 years of my partner, Dr. David Deeds, teaching it in his criminal justice classes at College of DuPage and Governors State University).

You get unbelievable support from other users (ideas, videos, blogs, news, etc.) and direct access to the product development team. When you join our worldwide team of educators and experts, you receive support and ideas of how to use the app to train and raise in your community through weekly emails with encouragement and practical tips of how to get the most out of your training, and you are also invited to our weekly Prevention Cohort LIVE podcast where you can interact with the development team and other One Generation licensees in real time. You'll participate in discussions of future products and actually affect the way our products are designed. Become part of our world-changing team!

You also receive access to unbelievable online , like the Knowledge Vault, from . Over 5000 articles, downloadable materials, videos, and more are all curated and cross referenced for your use at any time for research or entertainment. Your trainers receive scholarships to the Mastery Certificate course, Human Trafficking Essentials, which is fundamental knowledge every human should possess, and your community can use the Name Your Price version for free

All of these are vital tools to have because there are two major hurdles in teaching people about human trafficking. Schools sometimes add a third one.

  1. EMPATHY. People need an emotional attachment to the topic that helps them understand it from a personal perspective. This usually means that in order to do an effective presentation, a person with lived experience is brought in to do the talk, or they include lots of videos to give you a connection. Our VR app lets you spend 15-20 minutes, alone, with a victim. It makes that connection (here's more about how that works). Then trainees want to learn!

  2. EDUCATION. Teachers report they are concerned they don't understand the topic well enough, so they are afraid to bring it up in case they can't answer a question. (My partner's capstone project elaborates on this.) Our online course is completely self-driven, with no need for a teacher to even understand the topic at all (but we obviously want them to and provide them plenty of educational materials!).

  3. MATERIAL APPROVAL. Parents are concerned about schools talking about sex, and human trafficking is no exception. Our materials are regularly reviewed and improved by hundreds of subject matter experts, and we incorporate all the top tips from the biggest nonprofits in the field into our work. You will be teaching the fundamentals of human trafficking that everyone needs to understand; it's up to you to help a parent to decide if they want these safety materials taught to their children. Schools can choose to send out parental approval / opt out letters. Our advisors with lived experience explain that, since predators don't wait, parents need to start teaching their children as soon as they can understand. You know your community standards best, so we'll work with your however you need. We provide a full of the VR app, a full script, and the entire online course for review at any time.

TRAPPED screenshot - Kid room looking at teddy from computer
TRAPPED screenshot – in Lisa's childhood bedroom, where you can see her teddy bear, her red dress on her bed, and out the windows to the fall leaves blowing in the wind

The VR app takes about 15-20 minutes to complete the immersive, interactive story (full playthrough video and script at bottom of this page). This helps trainees become invested in the topic and understand how anyone could become a victim through no fault of their own. Then a teacher can assign the online course to students and just have them forward the email with their final assessment results.

University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. Room full of students using virtual reality headsets and TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story. UNTHSC.
University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC) at Fort Worth. Classroom full of students using headsets and TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story.

When a group becomes a software licensee, they can use the software to train on as many VR headsets as they want at any given time, which leaves a lot open to creativity here. You can purchase new or used headsets. Here's an article with all the details of how to buy headsets.

Let's get you started by trying out the virtual reality application! If you already have a Quest VR headset, I can help you get the app installed. Just set up a time with me and we'll go through it together. If you need us to send you an Appleseed Program box, I'll send you a headset with the app preloaded, so you can start it right up.

Book a time to connect here! I'm excited to give you a chance to try our program!

Billy Joe

PS Here are some additional docs: