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Prevention Cohort LIVE Ep 6: AMP Model Discussion; Social Media “Human Trafficking Panic” Posts

Welcome to the Prevention Cohort LIVE stream, sponsored by PBJ Learning

Human Trafficking Essentials: Texas Hospitality Awareness HB 390: AMP Model: Action, Means, and Purpose = human trafficking
AMP Model: Action, Means, and Purpose = human trafficking

Today, we go over the DEFINITION of human trafficking. We use Chapter 1 of Human Trafficking Essentials and go through the AMP Model.

After that, I go over a recent Knowledge Vault article, called “Social Media Human Trafficking Panic Posts.” I explain my thoughts on WHY people are making these bizarre posts. 

We record these meetings so you can watch them as a bit of an extra resource for yourself.

Watch on Fathom here.

AI Summary

We livestream, record and share our meetings for everyone's benefit. We use a Zoom addon product called Fathom, which screenshares, transcribes, and provides AI summaries of the calls. The transcriptions aren't perfect, but they are way awesome. This summary of the meeting is pulled straight from the automatic notes from Fathom.

  • Billy Joe discussed the definition of human trafficking and the TVPA in a live cohort session. He also addressed concerns about people panicking over potential kidnappings or of children. – PLAY @0:13
  • Billy Joe explained that by logging into PBJLearning.com, users could access a page called Prevention Cohort Live, which displayed information about licensed software from Radical Empathy and provided helpful resources. The page featured recent articles related to the topic, giving users an overview of the current updates and information available. – PLAY @1:08
  • Human Trafficking Essentials begins – Definitions – The transcript discusses accessing the Prevention Cohort Live page and defines human trafficking. – WATCH (35 secs)
  • What is Human Trafficking – Definition Video from Human Trafficking Essentials. – WATCH (5 mins)
  • Discussion of video begins – WATCH (40 secs)
  • Action, Means, and Purpose – The transcript discusses the AMP model and the control and means of trafficking. – WATCH (15 secs)
  • Action – The transcript discusses the AMP model and the control and means of trafficking. – WATCH (20 secs)
  • Means – The transcript discusses the AMP model, which explains the actions, means, and purpose of trafficking. – WATCH (30 secs)
  • Purpose – WATCH (20 secs)
  • Exception – The transcript discusses the potential exploitation and lack of payment in various industries. – WATCH (35 secs)
  • Labor Trafficking Examples – The transcript discusses labor trafficking and distinguishes it from other crimes like smuggling and kidnapping. – WATCH (45 secs)
  • What is NOT human trafficking – The transcript discusses what human trafficking is not and highlights the prevalence of labor trafficking. – WATCH (3 mins)
  • AMP Model Analysis (let's practice!) – The transcript discusses the toll of certain activities on the environment and people. – WATCH (10 secs)
  • Sexual Assault is not human trafficking – The transcript discusses the toll of certain activities on the environment and people. – WATCH (2 mins)
  • Smuggling is not human trafficking – WATCH (3 mins)
  • Kidnapping is not human trafficking – The transcript discusses the elements required for human trafficking and distinguishes it from kidnapping. – WATCH (1 min)
  • Stalking is not human trafficking – The transcript discusses the differences between kidnapping, stalking, and human trafficking. – WATCH (45 secs)
  • Billy Joe discussed the basics of human trafficking, specifically mentioning the AMP action as a mnemonic for the purpose model. – PLAY @20:42
  • Social media human trafficking panic posts – WATCH (3 mins)
  • Social Media Panic Posts – Billy Joe discusses the process of human trafficking and his interview about social media posts. – WATCH (2 mins)
  • Question 1 – WATCH (1 min)
  • Question 2 – The transcript discusses human trafficking, debunking misconceptions and highlighting as a prevalent issue. – WATCH (9 mins)
  • TikTok – Billy Joe discusses the importance of asking questions and presents a chart on human trafficking risk factors. – WATCH (3 mins)
  • Human Trafficking Hater TikTok – Someone sensible! – Billy Joe discusses the various ways people are trafficked, emphasizing the importance of relationships. – WATCH (1 min)
  • Human Trafficking Hater TikTok – “Do you really believe this?” – The transcript discusses the complexities of human trafficking and the dangers of misleading social media posts. – WATCH (1 min)
  • Question 3 – Billy Joe believes that social media posts contribute to fear and can cause sickness. – WATCH (5 secs)
  • Billy Joe believed that the media's contribution to fear in society was detrimental and caused physical illness. He emphasized the importance of prevention through education and training to recognize and combat human trafficking, with the goal of creating a discussion and finding solutions to this societal problem. – PLAY @41:29
  • Question 4 – WATCH (5 secs)
  • Billy Joe discussed the method of grooming used by professional predators to recruit vulnerable individuals. He emphasized the dangers of social media, urging people to be cautious about the information they share and the people they connect with. – PLAY @43:29
  • Question 5 – Billy Joe discusses the dangers of social media and the importance of recognizing vulnerabilities. – WATCH (5 secs)
  • Billy Joe discussed the importance of understanding vulnerability factors that could make someone susceptible to exploitation. He also highlighted indicators of potential trafficking situations, such as lack of control over personal belongings and signs of control or branding by traffickers. – PLAY @47:36
  • Question 6 – The transcript discusses the control of individuals through branding and drug addiction. – WATCH (10 secs)
  • Billy Joe and the others discussed the concept of mass formation, which suggests that when a population experiences generalized fear or anxiety, they are more likely to seek a specific answer or solution to alleviate their personal emotional discomfort. This psychological phenomenon occurs when people believe that joining a group and being scared about a particular issue gives them a sense of control and purpose. – PLAY @50:46
  • Question 7 – WATCH (35 secs)
  •  – PLAY @52:35
  • HIGHLIGHT – Indigenous people make up 1.1% of the US population but account for 25% of human trafficking victims. – WATCH (1 min)
  • Billy Joe discussed the benefits of an that allows learners to have full control over their learning experience, with interactive lessons, assessments, and a mastery certificate. He also mentioned the course's recognition by professional organizations and positive testimonials. – PLAY @56:56
  • WOW! – Billy Joe discusses the benefits of their course, including endorsements and testimonials. – WATCH (4 mins)
  • Anyone can take Human Trafficking Essentials – Billy Joe is excited about the Human Trafficking Essentials course and asks for recommendations. – WATCH (35 secs)
  • Billy Joe expressed gratitude for the help, time, love, and work provided by others. He also expressed excitement and mentioned looking forward to future conversations. – PLAY @1:02:51

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Full transcript from Fathom

Prevention Cohort LIVE Ep 6: AMP Model Discussion; Social Media “Human Trafficking Panic” Posts – August 17

VIEW RECORDING – 63 mins (45 mins of highlights)

@0:13Billy Joe Cain @ PBJLearning.com (pbjlearning.com)

Welcome to another prevention cohort live. We are here talking about all the things you need to know so that you can help your community be better prepared to learn about human trafficking.

Today we are going to be talking about the definition of human trafficking. We're going to start with the basics.

We're going to talk about the TVPA. Then we're going to talk about a topic that's been coming up pretty frequently, which is basically people that are panicking about human trafficking, thinking that their children might be kidnapped or being groomed by somebody that just walks up to them.

So let's get started. All right, I'm going to do some screen. We're going to start right off in our Preventication Cohort Live page.

SCREEN SHARING: Billy started screen sharing – WATCH

So just so everybody knows, you can go on to PBJLearning.com. Once you have logged in, you will see underneath name where you say it says Welcome, Billy, PBJLearning down here.

says Prevention Cohort Live. If you click that, you will go to this page. What this page does is it shows you all of the people that have been licensing.

The software from Radical Empathy and all of the help that we're going to make available to you. So we have on this page, it actually pulls up all of the most recent articles that are related to what's going on.

And these are always going to change over time. So that kind of gives you an idea what's going on.

HIGHLIGHT: Human Trafficking Essentials begins – Definitions – WATCH

And we are going to just jump right into Human Trafficking Essentials. And we're going to go to Chapter 1, and a Chapter 1 video called What is Human Trafficking.

I'm going to let this play out. And then we're going to All right. Human trafficking can be difficult to define, because synonyms for human trafficking include terms like modern day slavery and trafficking in persons.

Additionally, there are different forms of trafficking, including debt bondage, forced labor, and commercialized . All of this can be overwhelming.

HIGHLIGHT: What is Human Trafficking – Definition Video from Human Trafficking Essentials. – WATCH

And that is why in this section, we are going to look at the two most widely recognized and accepted definitions of human trafficking used throughout the world over the past 20 years.

The first definition we will look at is in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, commonly referred to as the TVPA.

This act was signed into U.S. law in the year 2000 and has been reauthorized several times, keeping the U.S.

definition of human trafficking the same for more than 20 years. Through several versions and updates, the TVPA definition of human trafficking has remained fairly consistent by dividing human trafficking into two categories.

Let us go over the TVPA definition in detail together. From section 103, subsection 8, the first definition is sex trafficking.

Like all human trafficking, sex trafficking is a commercial act. The TVPA refers to commercial sex acts as any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person.

This can be in exchange of money, a good, or services. The TVPA a good, a good, bad, bad, or good, a good, or a good, good, a for right?

is free work at Agriculture prevalent in the community Electric at low risk rate, and some local handouts a who invented their sex trafficking.

sex is automatically victim of sex trafficking without having to establish that for When we look at labor trafficking, it is important to remember that the purpose is not commercializing the sex act.

Instead, the purpose is to benefit from a person's labor. Additionally, this is where the TVPA details the actions of trafficking, which include recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, obtaining a person.

Taken together, the TVPA's definition of human trafficking relies on it. The means, and purpose. This is known as the AMP model.

This acronym will make it easier for you to define and identify human trafficking. The next human trafficking definition comes from the Palermo Protocol and is widely accepted internationally, ratified by the General Assembly in December 2000.

Its official title is the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children. Access of recommendation for all 193 U.N.

member states to improve international cooperation to catch criminals and assist victims. Article III has notable similarities to the TVPA definition.

First, in section A, the actions of trafficking are defined as recruitment, transportation, harboring, and receipt of a person. The preliminary protocol's means are identical to the TVPA force, fraud, and coercion.

The Palermo protocol also includes deception and abduction as means of trafficking. These terms are likely encompassed in the TVPA as means of force and coercion.

Finally, while the Palermo protocol definition does not explicitly state purpose, it instead uses the word exploitation. This is appropriate because all human trafficking involves exploiting an individual.

The forms of exploitation include servitude, the removal of organs, and commercial sex acts. Which are defined as prostitution and forced labor.

While Section A provides the bulk of the definition, sections B and C are important as well. Section B explicitly states that the victim being complicit in any acts before becoming trafficked are not considered a mitigating factor in being considered a victim.

For example, if someone agreed to be smuggled across the border and upon entering a country found out they were going to be trafficked, they are still considered just as much a victim as such.

For was kidnapped prior to being trafficked, simply put, it does not matter how someone became a victim. What matters is that they meet the condition for being a victim.

In Section C, the Palermo Protocol defines all exploited children as human trafficking victims, regardless of establishing the means of how they are being trafficked.

This is exactly what the TVPA stated about commercial sex and minors. Now that we have gone through both of these widely accepted definitions of human trafficking, you can see

The similarities and overlaps and how human trafficking is defined around the world.

HIGHLIGHT: Discussion of video begins – WATCH

I'm trying many ways of thinking of how to explain this easier. What we've come to is that human trafficking is generally the act of compelling or coercing, which is basically making someone do labor services or commercial sex acts for you in exchange for money.

So that's what this whole commercial thing is all about. So human trafficking is essentially the act of… So, we talked a little bit about the AMP model inside of the video.

HIGHLIGHT: Action, Means, and Purpose – WATCH

And action means and purpose, A-M-T. Those words don't necessarily mean exactly what you would think they mean. So that's why we spend so much time talking about what the action is.


So the TVPA calls and action, partnering, transporting, providing, recruiting, and or obtaining a person. So basically, that's kind of like you have control over this person.

You may know where they are. You can make them show up to a certain place. But basically, you're in control of them.


So, when it talks about means, the means of trafficking is what makes up how you get those people to do it.

How are you making them do that? And so sometimes I think about it as that you're being mean to them, right?

So you're forcing them by making them do it. You're frauding them into doing it by tricking them and lying to them about what they're going to get out of it or you're coercing them by basically threatening them in some way to do the work.


So you're being mean to them. And then the purpose is always about commercial exploitation. If somebody is making a financial benefit from it.

Here is your saving money. You're having spend money on labor or they're bringing money in because somebody is paying them for sex.


So the one thing to remember in America, the TVPA has an exception which is that anybody under 18 is automatically the victim if anything is exchanged for a sex act.

meaning is not important if somebody is under 18. That's kind of confusing. So, in the course, we actually go through a couple of other extra things to talk about, to help you understand that labor trafficking is a thing.

HIGHLIGHT: Labor Trafficking Examples – WATCH

Most people generally think about sex trafficking when they think about human trafficking. So, a couple of examples of labor trafficking are things like cleaning services.

So, a lot of door-to-door cleaners or large janitorial staffs. It's really difficult to know are those people getting paid appropriately?

Somebody is supposed to be checking on all of that stuff. So, they, know, details are all here. Also, at carnivals.

Do we know that those people that are working at those carnivals are actually getting paid? Do we know that they're not being tricked or they're in debt bondage?

We don't know. So, it's always possible that that could happen. Same thing in the fishing industry. I grew up on the coast, literally on the end.

HIGHLIGHT: What is NOT human trafficking – WATCH

The way to learn about a topic is to think about what that is not. So instead of human trafficking is often confused with other crimes such as smuggling or kidnapping, but it doesn't match the criteria of human trafficking.

So when we look at these crimes, we can say do these crimes meet the three criteria of the action, needs, purpose model.

So what is not human trafficking? So I just said that some things are confused with it. For instance, being a refugee is not human trafficking.

Being an immigrant is not human trafficking. The legally crossing of border is not human trafficking. Migrant labor, just because somebody is a, is laboring is a migrant that does not need human trafficking.

Human trafficking also does not have to include sex. It's another thing that we need to make sure that we say a lot of times we get through to everybody.

Labor trafficking is a really large part of this. It's very difficult to think about. But a lot of our products and our food and our clothing are all manufactured with some labor trafficking in it.

Most of our cell phones, anything that's a small, hard to find metal and lithium, etc. It's really crazy. Look up this stuff in the knowledge box you can find a lot on cobalt mining.

Cobalt mining is just brutal and you have to use cobalt. So, think part of a rechargeable battery. So, it's really important to understand that a lot of the stuff that we're doing is having a toll not just on the earth, but on our people.

So, another thing to understand here is that over 50% of the people that are being hematracted in America are individuals who have some sort of legal documentation or are in America's citizen or are here through some other legal situation.

So, what that means is over 50% of the people that are hematrastic are legally here in the country. They are here legally.

This is the most recent source that we were able to find that information from. source has changed constantly. that's the info that we have.

HIGHLIGHT: AMP Model Analysis (let's practice!) – WATCH

So, we're going to go into a little bit of detail on the ant model analysis. So, what we're going to do is we're going to say, well, we have already learned about actually using purpose, and then we're going to look at these requirements.

HIGHLIGHT: Sexual Assault is not human trafficking – WATCH

We're going to find out if any of these particular costs are to be. So, let's start with, why sexual assault is not human trafficking.

So, sexual assault, the legal definition that I was able to pull up, sexual contact behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim.

And there's some examples. So in this crime, no one is getting paid. So since there is no commercial exchange, you are missing that AMP requirement.

Now let's take a look at this. you could be obtaining that person to assault them. And yes, you would be forcing them.

But if there is no commercial exchange, It's still a horrible crime, but it's not trafficking. So this talks a little bit about what's missing, the purpose requirement.

If money a good or service was exchanged for the sex act, it would meet the requirements as well as for sexual assault.

So if someone gets benefit from that, like if they had a pimp, then that would be the case. Then it would be trafficking, as it is if it was not.

HIGHLIGHT: Smuggling is not human trafficking – WATCH

So let's talk about the thing that is probably most misunderstood on television, by our media, by our politicians, smuggling.

So smuggling is not human trafficking. There is a reason it's called smuggling because it is a different crime. So look at what smuggling is.

Smuggling is secretly introducing a person or good into a country in violation of customs law. Now, for example, that might be somebody that crosses over from Mexico to America.

Generally, this is done. They want to do this, so it's like they want to get into the country, so they hire a coyote or some other person that will help them do that.

So that is still smuggling. Now, the thing is that once somebody crosses a border, they may be in an vulnerable situation that could put them at risk of trafficking, or the person that could be bringing a person over could give them or sell them to a trafficker at the So the smuggling is still one separate crime, and the trafficking is another separate crime.

They're not the same thing. So this is something that's constantly missed in our media. I don't really understand what the problem is.

This seems pretty simple to me. The same thing with the complaints about people moving immigrants inside the country, so they'll bust somebody or fly somebody at some other place, and it causes a big shock.

just not VR. and So, gets everybody's attention, but that's not trafficking. And you couldn't tell why. There's an action, a means, and a purpose required.

And the purpose is financial gain. And I think it's pretty obvious that from the things we've gone, that if you send somebody in a bus, you're not benefiting financially from commercial sex or labor that I can tell.

So, just keep that in mind. So, then we have, okay, so here go. Smuggling is not trafficking. Let's talk about being a model.

So, the action of transporting a person over a border, yep, would be, an action would be met. The means, where they forced, frauded, or coerced.

No. Usually, when someone is smuggled, they do it on their own. They do it voluntarily. So, they're not being forced.

Now, if they were, that would be kidnapping, I believe. So, can see, yeah, because kidnapping is when you're He's actually take possession of somebody's body and move it against their will.

So even that would get different crime. Now, the purpose, again, no intent to profit from commercial sex or labor.

Now, somebody could, again, they could be smuggled into the country to the traffic. Those are two separate things. But I think in general that covers the details that we need to know.

Let's see. So let's talk about what's missing. So the means requirement here, some type of force product coercion would have to be there if the person was being taken against their will.

That would make the means requiring to happen. the purpose requirement against commercial sex or labor act, for instance, if they were taken to a farm or not paid with their promise, that would be a valid purpose.

So if you were smuggled into a country and a farm had promised you a job, it's going to be, you know, for a certain amount of money, you get there and they don't pay you what's your promise.

HIGHLIGHT: Kidnapping is not human trafficking – WATCH

Then that would be a purpose. appreciative. Why kidnapping is not human trafficking? So the legal definition, seizing and detaining or carrying away of someone by unlawful force or fraud often with the demand for ransom.

essentially that could be even pointing a gun at somebody, telling them to walk into the back room at a convenience store.

That can be kidnapping. So it's basically moving the body against its will. So here we go. So the action is there transporting or hard-ringing a person?

Yep. Means for fraud or coercion? Yep. That's doing it against the law, right? Or against their will. if there's no commercial benefit for sex or labor, from sex or labor, it doesn't count as trafficking.

So here we go. The purpose of the department needs to be fulfilled. If someone commercially benefited from any labor or sex with the victim.

HIGHLIGHT: Stalking is not human trafficking – WATCH

Once they've been kidnapped. So the last one that we cover here is… I've been asked if stalking was human trafficking, so what is stalking?

Willfully and repeatedly following and harassing another person while making a credible threat to intend to harm that person so much that they reasonably fear for their safety.

And that is definitely scary and definitely illegal, but it is not human trafficking. So, you don't recruit somebody, transfer, harbor or obtain them.

There is no forced order coercion and no intent to profit. So, all three requirements are missing. Ahhh, and that's what's going to mean.

So, like I said, just wanted to go over the basics of human trafficking. The AMP action means the purpose model is what we use to remember this as a new model.

SHARE THIS : Social media human trafficking panic posts – WATCH

And yeah, I think that covers all the basics that I wanted to do. Thanks for participating in that. Alright, so the next thing I wanted to talk about is what I've been noticing over the last few years on social media, there really seems to be a lot of panic about human trafficking, specifically whether somebody has a black zip tie tied under their car or if there's something underneath their windshield.

When the windshield wipers, all kinds of social media posts like that are blowing up as if that stuff is real.

Now, it is entirely possible that these things are happening on a very, very, very small basis. thing is that that is not what is normally happening.

I have, Dave has actually done a whole bunch of videos on his TikTok channel that I'll put a link down below so you can get a look at them.

But the idea is, So, I would like to plead to the universe that we find a way to educate people about the basics of human trafficking so they can understand that there are those three requirements, the action means and purpose that's there before something is human trafficking.

We're really looking to help people understand that this is something that while it does happen, that people are kidnapped, what is generally happening is that the people that are being trafficked, they know their traffickers, they've gotten to know them, they get taken advantage of, they get tricked psychologically, they get coerced into doing their stuff.

And this is not like you're running down the road having to you to escape. This is a long process where people season their victims, get to know their victims, and then they learn all of their vulnerabilities, and then they turn their vulnerabilities against them.

There's a lot of psychological aspects to this that are incredibly difficult to recognize when they're happening to you even to the point where many victims don't even realize that they're a victim of human trafficking.

So, a few about a month ago, a reporter had written me and asked if I would help her with an interview, so she asked me a bunch of questions about these social media posts, and I'd like to go over with you.

SCREEN SHARING: Billy started screen sharing – WATCH

CLIP THIS?: Social Media Panic Posts – WATCH

So, let's see if we can find the… There it is. Share the screen. Thank you. Thank you. All right, so I want to talk about this.

I did a post on the Knowledge Vault. So, this is kind of my thought. I've been seeing these things constantly, like some sort of bizarre situation that could lead to human trafficking.

Somebody had put a napkin underneath somebody's windshield wipers. Or they had tied a flag zip tie to somebody's antenna.

And they started panicking thinking that somebody was going to be searching for them or whatever. And yes, it's true that that could happen.

But it is not a nationwide panic where you have to go out and freak out about this stuff. We have a lot of work to do so that we're actually paying attention to our children.

We have a lot of work that we're going to do to make sure that we're paying attention to the people that we work with and our friends.

I am going to just read some of this. apologize for that, but I am going to do it so it's all on the record.


So in your experience, are these types of social media posts about sex trafficking scares based on real and legitimate experiences people have with sex traffickers?

The answer is yes. They are based on some fears of and things that are strictly a legitimate, but I really believe that the topic itself is so misunderstood that it's very easy for people to get scared.

And so our job is to really try to direct them towards resources that will help them understand their world a little bit better, which is why I feel so strongly that our poor, human trafficking essentially, everybody needs to have as basic first aid of the human being.

So I talk in here about the actual definition and the reason is I want to people to understand it.

Human trafficking is exploiting someone for profit. It is not about a black zip tie. To respond specifically to this question, these things really do happen.


But most of all, or mostly, this is the rarity. So, she says, are these real things or not? question number two, if not, can you explain how sex trafficking usually works?

Can you go a little bit into making How kids are often the most targeted? So, I went out and I didn't want to be the person saying that I'm the expert here.

I went and pulled some information from the 3118 project. So, she says, there's lot of misconceptions that it's kidnapping, like I was saying.

But to be honest, that kind of trafficking is very rare here in North Dakota and in most states. Actually, what we see the most of right now is something we call familial trafficking, where it's the family member that is the trafficker.

And I have a link in here that goes through I'm going to click it right now. We're going to see.

Let's see what you put in there. Here we go. My apology. So you can follow this link. So this talks a lot about how they work.

They're in North Dakota. My apologies. I'm going to say, I'm going to going'm going to say, I'm been going been say,

I'm going to speak to many people that have been in the situation. I've looked at the statistics. And this is a serious concern.

So I think, I really believe that your level of concern about your own risk, you can't just live on anxiety.

You just can't. You have to say what is the most likely thing that is going to happen. I think you need to adjust your concerns accordingly.

Being kidnapped is just such a small percentage of how somebody becomes trafficked that it's not the thing that I think you need to be most concerned about.

Sure, if you're in a bad location, yes, be concerned about being trafficked, but in general, you shouldn't have to live your life daily thinking about that.

You are most likely to be trafficked by somebody that you know. I've looked at all the statistics on this stuff.

I mean, they're just mind blowing. It's over 50% of people know their tractors. And even then, So, are really difficult in this field, so when you look at them, you have to take everything with a grain of salt, but the statistics they found are just staggering.

So, really the thing is you should be concerned, you know, for yourself or people inside of your friend group or family, because if most people know their traffickers, guess what?

You probably know someone, or maybe you are in a situation that you should take a better look at. And so the problem, what I have identified in the last seven years is that basically if people were just aware of their own vulnerabilities, the things that could put them at risk, they would be a lot better off kind of as a situational awareness to kind of take their own temperature.

though I am under this much stress or this is what is happening to me or I don't have any money, and I have to be cautious of the people that are offering to help me because I want to make sure that they don't take advantage of me.

And you can't do that if you don't acknowledge So, you know, I got to tell you that I think about the pop culture aspect of human trafficking.

And anytime you hear a song that has pimping and hoeing and things of that nature, your pop culture is being invaded.

And people are normalizing human trafficking and discussing them. It is happening. You've got movies, songs, know, TV shows called Pimp My Ride.

I mean, like, it's really gotten out of control, not to mention the fact that you have pornography that you can have access to on any cell phone ever.

It's out of control, what's going on in our culture. So, what I'm really looking at trying to get people understand is like that in the reality of human trafficking, what is happening is these people that are being raped against their will

20-30 times a day, seven days a week. It's outrageous. My partner, Dr. David Deeds, actually did his capstone project on this topic.

included in there the fact that all of those rapes that are happening to these trafficking victims, they're not counted in any of our rape statistics.

That is a lot of rapes that are happening and a lot of people that think it's fine to do that.

It's happening in front of us. We don't have those statistics. That's not good. How do those get added in there?

We actually have a more realistic look at how many people are raping each other in our culture. I think about the fact that this is just constantly normalized on television and movies and it can still

I don't want to be a crude or anything, but when this is something that people don't even think about anymore, I mean, we are really normalizing the hemp culture and hematratic culture.

So, when you're thinking about somebody becoming a victim, there is a process that really begins and it really starts off with a predator looking at a potential victim and doing an assessment of just how vulnerable they are so they know what they're going to be getting into when they own this person.

So, what they do is they do an assessment, they find out what's going on and then they can promise you all of those things that you don't have and you're so eager for them, you'll buy into it and then they turn the tables and twist it on you and then they have you.

So, the thing is that it's way easier to consider. I mean, they are, and it's extensive, mean, you have everything from Stockholm syndrome, to, gosh, know, just cults, to the point where it's really hard to deprogram somebody from this stuff.

But what they do is these professional predators are creating incredibly strong psychological bonds, where they have the total control of

The of what happens with the victim and the victim just won't even complain. They'll never complain because that person has something over them.

And this psychological aspect of trafficking is the thing that's so complicated for people understand and you certainly aren't going to get that kind of training in a 15 minute session once every two to three years.

mean, this is something that really requires true understanding. And this is why I started Radical Empathy. I wanted to teach people how it feels.

You know, when just because you're a human being and you need, you know, attention and love and affection, you know, people know how to manipulate you and they have perfected this over the eon.

So Dave's got a whole bunch of good stuff on here. So like I said, I make sure that there's going to be some links.

So these are lots of short videos. So I'm going to go ahead and play a couple of these things so you can see just what I'm talking about.

I wish you'd done this earlier, but it didn't. Alright, let's make sure we get on this actually day. Day 3.

Okay. I thought I had to take talk. I'll not just a second. Alright, I have to take talk. Alright.

HIGHLIGHT: Human Trafficking Hater TikTok – WATCH

Let's do this one. Let me start off by saying that I think that you should always be able to ask people questions, especially here on social media, where there is just so much misinformation.

So to address your question, you said you like the chart, let me go ahead and pull up the chart again.

Okay. So what you're looking at, I'm back here on the National Human Trafficking Hotlines Data Analysis for 2021. And all around me here, you'll see different risk factors.

And I'm going to talk These are things that contribute to the risk that somebody will end up in. And here we are, we are going are doing doing work the work with the people who are doing work the people work doing work the doing work the are doing work the work the people are doing work the people are doing work the people aren't really with the the people who doing work the people doing work Of course there's the fire.

I don't know what he loves to talk about those ones, and then there's definitely other locations, and there is, at the very bottom here, right over here, if you look right down here, there is the street.

So yes, people can be trafficked on the street. This is people, as you were saying in your comment, people will walk up to people, they will learn about them, and then they will end up being trafficked.

yeah, that can't happen. But go back to the risk and vulnerabilities that we just came from. They're looking for people who already experienced those vulnerabilities.

They're not just randomly going into a store and say Marco Polo, or just picking out anybody. They're looking for people that are at risk, people that can disappear, if you will, and nobody's going to notice them.

And then here's the last part of the analysis that I have for you. There's 29 pages of this thing, so we could go on forever.

But this is the way that people are brought into traffic. So abduction, does that happen? know, the stuff that you see on taking?

Sure. But it's barely anything as far as what's happening, and that's what everybody thinks is going to happen. That there'll be abducted out of the parking lot.

So look over here. And see what is it, what are the top one, two, ways that people are being trafficked?

Familial? That means that it's somebody that's within their family that's trafficking them, an intimate partner or their employer. In all of these, the trafficker has a relationship with somebody.

So is it possible that you could go to a target to be trafficked? But not at the prevalence that TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram and all of these other videos make it seem like it is.

I genuinely appreciate you asking this question. Thank you. Alright, so that kind of gives you a little bit of an idea of the stuff that Dave's been throwing out there.

HIGHLIGHT: Human Trafficking Hater TikTok – Someone sensible! – WATCH

This is an example of some people throwing up some panic posts. Here we go. If people are not putting zip-pets on your car to traffic you, nor are other markings, or even using a band and car seat to crime baby noise.

Finally, somebody gets it and is set it right. I've been seeing this over and over again. There's that are getting human traffic.

It's happening from coercion. It's happening from somebody that they know. So, that can be a work in the respects that somebody can be trauma bonded.

And that makes it where they believe that they're doing things that's in their own best interest, but it's because they've been so manipulated by the trafficker that they're working against their own self-interest.

So, trauma bonded individuals will want to leave the situation, but also at the same time think that they need their trafficker just so that they can survive.

trafficking victims will be coerced because they will not be able to have control over their documents, or they will have something back at home that somebody's relying on them, that they have given them at the deid of their land just so they can come to this country.

So, there's a lot more complex that what the media makes it sound like, and at least this girl gets it.

And now, do you know what the human trafficking looks like, too? And if you want more facts on human trafficking, give me a follow.

HIGHLIGHT: Human Trafficking Hater TikTok – “Do you really believe this?” – WATCH

All right, I just have to ask this, does anybody honestly believe, I mean honestly in your heart believe that the way that something like human trafficking which is a $150 billion crime industry, do you really believe that it works by having somebody to go into a target and randomly shout out Marco while waiting for somebody to say Polo and then deciding that that's the person that you're going to traffic, that's the way that people make $150 billion is that they randomly go into a grocery store or into a department store and just hope to God that somebody responds when they say Marco, they don't select somebody who's weak, they don't select somebody who's vulnerable or isolated or maybe that the law has slanted again so that way they can take advantage of them.

Is this what we really believe? If so, we're never going to stop human trafficking. The answer is out there and we're doing everything we can to share them and make it happen.

But yeah, so let's see. else have I got? Alright, here we go. We're back. So we're going to jump back into the page.

SCREEN SHARING: Billy started screen sharing – WATCH


So let's see, number three, can you also explain why these social media posts could be dangerous and misleading from your perspective?

Yeah, I mean, this is what I believe. I believe they're contributing to fear in our population and that is not helping anybody.

In fact, if you have just a general base of fear, what that does is actually causes your body to get sick.

So I also believe that it puts us in a situation where we want to turn the media can use that to have us turn against each other, find somebody or something else to blame.

And honestly, the truth is The real problem is that society is creating these vulnerabilities that these other people are exploiting.

The thing that I've come to after seven years of this is that prevention is the best way to end human trafficking.

We have to get everyone to understand what it is, get them to understand how to recognize it happening to them and happening to other people.

And once we have that going on, then we can start getting to make this stuff happen on the local level that it needs to be.

I believe that every human being needs to have at least, and I mean at least an hour of training on this, just for the psychological safety and security.

And I think that once we can all understand that human trafficking is a huge societal problem because the people that are vulnerable through this, the vulnerabilities that society has put them through, they are the ones that are getting hurt.

Then I think we'll actually get We have to be able to have a discussion about how to solve this problem in general.

I mean, this is going to take a lot of work. Lots of work. But we've created this tool that works online and anybody can take it right now.

Every person on the planet could be taking this course immediately. And we're here to try to make that happen.


Number four, can you talk a little bit about how sex traffickers may use social media to get in contact with victims.

So, when we think about vulnerabilities and the fact that people are human beings and they have a need for love and affection, what happens is that these professional predators are out there and they understand that.

And so they use this method called grooming. And they recruit people through this grooming process. mean, these people are professionals.

have total skills. They know exactly what they're doing and they have lots of time because they are going to make a lot of money.

Billy Cain, Cain, Billy Billy Cain, Billy Billy Billy Billy Cain, Billy Cain, Billy Cain, Billy Cain, Billy Cain, Cain, Thomas, Cain, bubbles, bills, ModDS, I mean, there's a num…

I'm a potential victim to get me. These traffickers are out there playing games, they've got social media accounts, they're sitting in chat rooms, and they are literally looking for the easiest prey.

Whoever has the most problems that they believe they can take advantage of quickest, that's what they're going to do.

mean, these people are literally sitting around with 3×5 note cards taking notes. the about what your kids say, when your parents are going to be home, what school you went to, your relationship is with your family, how you're feeling, what city you're in.

It's really crazy. They have tons of time and they have patience. Honestly, sometimes they do this for years. It's unbelievable.

I have heard lots of stories. There are tons of stories on the knowledge vault. If we'll come up. What happens is they can Start promising.

I want you to think about when you're thinking about social media. What you're really talking about is these are people that are literally in your kid's pocket.

I mean if your kid has a cell phone and they use Facebook or anything or any type of social media.

If they're broadcasting every predator in the world that's on that platform that has access to it, they can see what's going on.

So these predators are in your kid's pocket and they will be contacting you in 24 hours day. And these kids and you might be feeding them that information.

mean you might be doing what's called Sharon thing and there's articles on that on the Knowledge Vault which is basically you're telling everybody everything about your child and potentially putting your child at risk.

So, social media is a very dangerous thing. really, at least what we could do is start at getting people to understand that and quit broadcasting to the world.

Does everybody really need to know that you're going on a three-day vacation and your house is going to be empty?

Do you really know everyone that's on your social media? And do you know the people that they know? How do you know that that's safe information to provide to people?


Number five, what are some of the red flags and warning signs of traffickers that both parents and kids should look out for?

All right. So, one of the things that it's exciting to feel like there's a list that you can look out for because it sounds like, oh, I'm going to know how to do this.

But what we really want people to understand is that we want you to be thinking about it from a vulnerability standpoint.

What is it that might make someone vulnerable? I'm not necessarily a specific list of things, you know, A, B, or D, but it's like, is this person, could someone take advantage of this person?

And then that's what you need to check and make sure that they're actually okay. So let's take a look what we got here.

So I pulled this off of the site from Deliver Fund. Individuals who are most vulnerable tend to share the following personal factors.

There's a huge list here. of previous violence, a minority, somebody that might be targeted because of their sexual or gender identity.

Struggle of substance abuse disorders, displacement for a home. And they, displacement is an interesting word because when I had started learning more about refugees, there's kind of the concept of whether you are, if you were, if you've been displaced.

And displacement doesn't mean necessarily that you have been removed from your country. It means that you've been removed from your community and your support system.

So, I mean, if you're displaced in a city, even 20 miles and you don't have It's standard community and the people that you work with, the people that you know if you don't have access to that stuff.

That is also a huge vulnerability. this displacement is massive. when you think about disasters, war, poverty, migration, etcetera, mean like the just the staggers, the mind.

So just really, you know, thinking about how these vulnerabilities, you know, can affect you. It can put you in a mindset, when you're not thinking about that list, you're thinking about how are those people doing.

What is going on in their mindset? What is going on with them emotionally? So if think about that, it's a different way.

So while the, let's see, there are also factors that are telling of a scenario as a whole. So it's not an exhaustive list.

But it's just a monument that you may be witnessing a huge traffic situation. So for example, if a person doesn't have control over their ID, passport or personal money, that's always a big alarm bell.

If somebody is deferring to someone else, so that they're like, can I go to the bathroom? Can I just ask for everything?

Then that's a sign that someone is controlling them. And when they say branding marks, I originally thought that meant literally branding like you would see a brand.

But a brand just means just like Coca Cola is a brand or Pepsi is a brand. I mean it can be branding obviously.

The branding basically saying that I own this person in one way, shape, So that is a technique that people use as traffickers to keep people compliant is to get them addicted to drugs.


that's not something that happens all the time, but it does happen. So there's link to it. Why do you think these scary social media posts are so common right now?

I feel like I've never seen as many as I do now. Yeah, I feel the same way. So I have a belief that the public are under so much stress that they are looking to find ways to

And so there's this concept called mass formation, and it shows that if you have a population that's in a generalized sense or feeling of anxiety or fear, especially if it's an invisible enemy, which could be a virus or human trafficking or kidnapping, those kind of things when people have a generalized sense of fear, they're more willing to go and run to a specific answer.

so when they feel that this is, when they feel like this is something they can do something about and that anxiety, it actually makes them feel better.

This is what this mass formation says, that basically this behavioral will relieve their personal emotional discomfort. So by joining the group and being scared about this stuff, it actually makes them feel better because they feel like they're doing something.

It is a psychological, very complicated, psychological situation. I highly recommend that if you are even remotely interested in learning about that.


I think that's part of how this works. So, number 7, I've seen this brought up in other discussions and it's something I want to address.

Many of these posts are created by middle class or upper class white women and their kids. From my research, this is not the class of people who have most vulnerable sex trafficking.

talk a little bit about who is most at risk. Now, I want to make sure that we talk a little bit about this.

We know that they are not as vulnerable to sex trafficking as others. I believe that they, these people that are making these posts, are under a generalized sense of anxiety and fear, and I believe that they are trying to relieve their personal and emotional discomfort by making these posts.

I really believe that that is the case. So psychologically, that is my take and my assertion based on my experience and my research.

So I am not so much worried about trying to point all that out, that is why it is happening, but we are going to talk about what, let's see, we are going to talk about who is at risk.

So yes, human trafficking is a worldwide problem. It is happening everywhere and it happens at every economic level. Nobody is safe from this, whether it is sex trafficking or labor trafficking.

is all about money and power. That is it. It does not matter where you are in your zip code, it does not matter where you are financially.

The thing is that wherever you You are, there is going to be somebody, some certain percentage of people that are going to try to take advantage of you.

The people that are the most at risk are basically whoever has the most vulnerabilities. It cannot be any easier than that.

It is super simple and scary and requires vigilance. I know we talk about the vulnerability stuff above this thing, but this is the thing that's really important to understand.

Different groups in America are traffic at different rates. They are, they are abused at different rates, etc. People that are in the sex trade are disproportionately women of color.

The numbers are all here. It's, it's depressing, but you know, we have to look at the stuff with our eyes wide open.

Native Americans and Blacks are being trafficked at disproportionate rates, which means basically that they are, they are human trafficking victims at

A higher rate than other groups. Stats are here. mean, like seriously, indigenous people make up 1.1% of the US population, yet they account for 25% of human trafficking victims.

What does that tell you? What are we doing? We have to do better. That's what I'm counting on you guys for.

All right. So I appreciate you all spending time with us today. I hope this was useful. Maybe we'll snip it up and eat in different clips.

HIGHLIGHT: Indigenous people make up 1.1% of the US population but account for 25% of human trafficking victims. – WATCH

But again, I want to thank you all for being here. And I want to draw our attention as we close on human trafficking essentials.

This is our PBJ learning online course. It is available for free. course is delivered to the same exact course, and it's delivered in three different ways.

The first way is You can pay whatever you want to pay for it. You will get a completion mail that tells you what your score was.

If you need a certificate, you can purchase the mastery certificate here. It will also give you a certificate that you can frame.

That actually has a cost associated with it. If you need to get university credit, that has another cost associated with it, but it's a credit that comes from Belhaven University.

can get it through there. Underneath here on our site, we talk about first chapter. We went through this tonight, actually.

We talk about the definition of human trafficking on here. You get a better idea. We talk about the learning objectives that are here on the course, what you are going to learn.

You'll learn legal definitions and requirements. You'll learn that action meaning the purpose required to be considered trafficking. How vulnerability is factoring to this, what are common red flags, risk factors, vulnerability, and what are proper responses?

This works completely online. No teacher required, you can do it all yourself, start, stop, and continue learning on any device at any time.

With the mastery certificate, you will get a certificate of completion with a money-back guarantee. If you get certificate continuing education units, we will guarantee that they will be accepted by an organization or your money is back.

You will be seeing 30-plus minutes of original instructional videos that are animated as well. Tons of animated or tons of interactive lessons and activities, and when you are finished, you will be able to show that you learn these learning objectives through assessment-based tests.

We have a test that's a pretest and a post test, but you will see that you actually learned something.

I don't know how much of this you've gone through yet, but interactive learning is absolutely the best way to learn anything.

We make sure that our course is the most interactive human trafficking awareness and prevention course on the Internet. I've taken hundreds of courses and this is the one that lets you practice with your material more than anything else.

Carnegie Mellon did a big study on this stuff. You can read all this stuff. You can see that we've been accepted by professional organizations.

We're actually a member benefit for the International Association, Governor's State University and College of DuPage views this.

This is a list of all the subjects in all of our videos. You can have a better idea of exactly what it is that you're going to be learning in the course.

A little short descriptor on Dave and me. A few testimonials down here at the bottom. I'm actually very proud of everything that we've done.

WOW!: Billy Joe discusses the benefits of their course, including endorsements and testimonials. – WATCH

I'm very proud of these testimonials. I feel like we've earned them. I do want to go over what Dr.

Combs has said because she's a nurse educator. She has been concerned about human trafficking for quite some time. She's written some pieces on it and did a bunch of research.

I apologize. Her paper on human trafficking and empowering healthcare providers and community partners advocates for victims is absolutely fantastic.

I have it linked in here so you can take a look at it. Basically what she says is this is a treasure.

It's a course of evidence, a strategic and methodical implementation of diverse teaching strategies to reach every learner with or without prior human trafficking knowledge.

What does that mean? Well, what it means is that when you are going through the course, you receive the learning objectives from multiple directions.

You'll do the story, you'll get it in a video, you'll get it in an interactive lesson and you'll get it in writing.

We'll read it to you, we'll talk to you about it so that when, so we have our core basic objectives that we make sure that you get every which way.

And when you're taking the interactive sections, if you don't understand a topic, it doesn't just say here's the answer, it actually shows you where to go back in the course that you can dig.

I'm going about going I'm going about the training that been doing. I'm going to the training The that I've a method of and method methodical.

My goodness, what is wrong with the methodical implementation of diverse teaching strategies to reach every learner without prior hematrix knowledge.

course overall was engaging, easy to follow, interesting, divided into small sections with application exercises, allowing for immediate use of the information learned.

That's something that's really important to us, that we give you a new complicated topic, a idea. We want you to immediately engage.

We did that because all those interactive activities are getting you to practice and practice and practice and think about the answer instead of having me just tell you what the answer is.

So the segments and activities were so engaging that I felt excited and accomplished at the end of each one as my intellectual growth was evident.

Yes, it feels good to learn something new and actually feel like you understand a topic. So she liked the use of drag and drop matching and video cases to help connect the dots with the presence.

So we tried to put things in that were accomplishable by every user. was very important to us to let people feel successful.

I don't want to go all the way through this. We have a number of other people who have taken the course and they've left us some wonderful testimonials here.

SHARE THIS ONLINE: Anyone can take Human Trafficking Essentials – WATCH

We're so excited about having the opportunity to work with you guys. Please, if you know anyone that is looking for an online course, please recommend Human Trafficking Essentials.

It's super easy to All you've got to do is go to our site and click on Human Trafficking Essentials right here at the top center.

This page right here, this URL is the one we want you to share. Anybody should be able to get online and take this course and get educated within an hour or two or three hours depending on their rate to go through it.

So really excited. Thank you again for all of your help and your time and your love and all of the work that you're doing out there, everybody.

Y'all are the best. And we look forward to talk to you all soon. Alright. Be awesome. Believe in yourself.