What is Trafficking

CR Ep 094: Human Trafficking Preventucation with Billy Joe Cain and NASA UAP Report with Mike Turber
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CR Ep 094: Human Trafficking Preventucation with Billy Joe Cain and NASA UAP Report with Mike Turber

Posted on September 20, 2023 Read the original on CuriousRealm.com here. In the first part of this episode of the Curious Realm host Christopher Jordan welcomes founder of Radical Empathy Education Foundation and co-founder of PBJ Learning, Billy Joe Cain. We discuss recent developments in the cause of human trafficking prevention, and how groundbreaking technologies like Virtual Reality can…

Anyone Questioning Alleged Human Trafficking Survivor Eliza Bleu’s Story Is Getting Banned on Twitter

Anyone Questioning Alleged Human Trafficking Survivor Eliza Bleu’s Story Is Getting Banned on Twitter

Editor’s note: we are providing this story for your reference and your research. It is an evolving topic. We feel it is important to provide topical issues that need to be tracked for historical reference. Our understanding is that her work with Musk to battle CSAM on Twitter is important, and separate, from this controversy. …

What is a Data set: And How it helps to confront human trafficking? – The Hear UP
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What is a Data set: And How it helps to confront human trafficking? – The Hear UP

Human trafficking includes the use of force, fraud, or coercion to get some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, thousands or millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including most developing countries like (the United States) so that’s why there is a need to consider this problem and find…

How to spot the red flags if you’re at risk of trafficking and exploitation:
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How to spot the red flags if you’re at risk of trafficking and exploitation:

The term “red flag” means you see something that’s a reason to stop and consider your safety. There are red flags for lots of things – depression, dating violence, suicide – and seeing one or two red flags doesn’t necessarily mean that something is happening to you, it simply lets you know that you should probably step back and take another look at the situation.