
Violence is the use of physical force or power to cause harm or damage. Violence can take many different forms, such as assault, rape, murder, or war. Violence can be committed by individuals, groups, or governments, and can be directed against oneself, other people, or property. Violence can have serious physical, emotional, and psychological consequences for victims, as well as for those who witness or perpetrate it. The prevention of violence and the promotion of peace are important goals in many societies.

Youngistaan Foundation – World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
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Youngistaan Foundation – World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Youngistaan Foundation – World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2023 Hyderabad, July 30, 2023: The theme for this year’s campaign was “Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind,” inspired by the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Commemorating the day, senior law enforcement officers,…

Human trafficking needs coordinated solutions
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Human trafficking needs coordinated solutions

It has been 23 years since the federal government first passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Since then, the global anti-trafficking community has learned much about who is vulnerable to exploitation, traffickers’ business models, what drives the demand and how the problem is evolving in the digital age. While we have moved past many harmful…

Anti-Human Trafficking & Disaster Resilience | United Way Worldwide
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Anti-Human Trafficking & Disaster Resilience | United Way Worldwide

Human trafficking is the act of compelling someone to work, for little or no pay, through force, fraud, or coercion. It is a multidimensional problem that disproportionately impacts marginalized communities across the United States and around the world. While human trafficking can happen anywhere, systemic injustices like racism, homophobia, sexism, economic inequality, and more lead…

Human Trafficking Awareness Day is Sunday
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Human Trafficking Awareness Day is Sunday

Young depressed woman, domestic violence and rape. stop abusing violence, human trafficking, stop violence against women, Human is not a product. Stop women abuse, Human rights violations. In preparation for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on July 30, Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate and Story County Deputy Sheriff Elizabeth Quinn are working together…

‘Sound of Freedom’ film is a good conversation starter, but there is more to say
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‘Sound of Freedom’ film is a good conversation starter, but there is more to say

Earlier this month, the movie Sound of Freedom was released and brought human trafficking to the forefront of many viewers’ minds. As an organization deeply committed to meeting the needs of survivors, Mosaic Family Services is glad to see that this movie has grown attention and sparked concern for human trafficking, but it’s important we…

Prevention Cohort LIVE Ep 5: Groomed short film by Travis Plunkett
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Prevention Cohort LIVE Ep 5: Groomed short film by Travis Plunkett Welcome to the Prevention Cohort LIVE stream, sponsored by PBJ Learning Today, we spend a couple of minutes catching up on what’s happening and then we do a watchalong of a short film called GROOMED, by Travis Plunkett.  If you’d like to watch the film BEFORE I start talking, here’s the place to do…

‘New Slave Trade’ Has Arrived in US at Hands of Mexican Cartels
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‘New Slave Trade’ Has Arrived in US at Hands of Mexican Cartels

Jaeson Jones held up a handful of colored wristbands during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Wednesday. “What I’m holding in my hand before you today, I want to be very clear, this is America’s new slave trade,” Jones, a former captain for intelligence and counterterrorism at the Texas Department of Public Safety, testified before…

Government, Civil Society & Scientology Combating Human Trafficking in South Africa: Some Challenges and Efforts in 2023
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Government, Civil Society & Scientology Combating Human Trafficking in South Africa: Some Challenges and Efforts in 2023

Glory Matipile is featured in an episode of Voices for Humanity on the Scientology Network. Scientology and its members are more and more involved in fighting human trafficking in different ways. Human Righs education and collaborative skills are key. JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, July 20, 2023/ — Scientology and its members are more and more involved…

Story from Blue Campaign: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is Sunday, July 30
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Story from Blue Campaign: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is Sunday, July 30

Do you know what human trafficking looks like? Myths and misconceptions make the crime difficult to spot. Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including right here in the United…