
Violence is the use of physical force or power to cause harm or damage. Violence can take many different forms, such as assault, rape, murder, or war. Violence can be committed by individuals, groups, or governments, and can be directed against oneself, other people, or property. Violence can have serious physical, emotional, and psychological consequences for victims, as well as for those who witness or perpetrate it. The prevention of violence and the promotion of peace are important goals in many societies.

Global Centurion: April Newsletter

Global Centurion: April Newsletter

GCF Serving as Subject Matter Expert to the Department of Defense One of the most horrific abuses we encounter in our work atGlobal Centurion Foundation(GCF) is when those entrusted to protect and defend wittingly or unwittingly exploit and abuse the most vulnerable among us. These tragedies often serve as a wake-up call for the government […]

Labor Trafficking Is Human Trafficking

Labor Trafficking Is Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is often thought of as only sexual activities, but a much larger population of victims is involved in labor trafficking. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) defines labor trafficking as: “The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or…