
Prostitution is the practice of providing sexual services in exchange for money or other forms of payment. Prostitution is often referred to as the “world’s oldest profession,” and has existed in some form in most cultures throughout history. However, the legality and social acceptance of prostitution varies widely, and it is often stigmatized and subject to legal restrictions. Those who engage in prostitution are often referred to as sex workers, and can include individuals of any gender or age. Prostitution is a controversial and complex issue, and opinions on it vary greatly.



Human Trafficking is Modern-Day Slavery That Can Happen Just Around the Corner, Say Advocates for Victims – The Tablet

Human Trafficking is Modern-Day Slavery That Can Happen Just Around the Corner, Say Advocates for Victims – The Tablet

Portuguese maritime police investigate one of two sites where hundreds of human trafficking victims, mostly migrants from Southeast Asia, were found near Lisbon June 21, 2023. (OSV News photo/Miguel Pereira, Reuters) LONDON (OSV News) — Human trafficking doesn’t happen only in far away places where human rights are neglected. It happens around the corner. It’s…

Vacatur Legal Services for Human Trafficking Victims: A Path to Healing and Justice

Vacatur Legal Services for Human Trafficking Victims: A Path to Healing and Justice

Editor’s note: there are many articles on vacatur on the Knowledge Vault here. I haven’t encountered anyone that has gone through this in my personal experience, so I did some research to learn about the term “vacatur.” Here’s what I learned so far… Vacatur refers to a legal remedy that allows survivors of human trafficking…

Dallas, Houston and San Antonio lead in human trafficking cases in Texas
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Dallas, Houston and San Antonio lead in human trafficking cases in Texas

Human trafficking awareness advocates are reminding the public of signs of human trafficking, after a woman was discovered hiding in a Houston airport for 10 days. DALLAS — Days after the news that a Houston airport staffer helped a girl hiding in a terminal for 10 days, human trafficking awareness advocates are reminding the public…

Understanding the realities of human trafficking in Tampa Bay

Understanding the realities of human trafficking in Tampa Bay

Tampa (BLOOM) – Human trafficking is a pervasive and heinous crime that plagues our world, exploiting millions of individuals each year. To combat this issue effectively, it is crucial to gain a deep understanding of its realities. By shedding light on the scope, victims, contributing factors, and counter-trafficking efforts, we can work towards eradicating this…

DOJ Removes ‘International Sex Trafficking of Minors’ From Areas of Concern
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DOJ Removes ‘International Sex Trafficking of Minors’ From Areas of Concern

OAN’s Taylor Tinsley 2:10 PM – Wednesday, July 12, 2023 The Justice Department has made changes to what it considers are areas of concern. The DOJ made recent modifications to its website under the section that listed the department’s subject areas of concern regarding ‘‘Child Sex Trafficking’.” “International Sex Trafficking of Minors,” “Domestic Sex Trafficking of…

Bucks County school district relieves football coach accused in human trafficking case of duties

Bucks County school district relieves football coach accused in human trafficking case of duties

Pennridge School District has relieved a volunteer football coach of his duties, after his arrest in a human sex trafficking investigation in Lehigh County. Michael James Feifel, 55, of Walnutport was charged recently with two third-degree felonies: unlawful contact with a minor involving prostitution and criminal use of a communication facility. Feifel was a veteran…

Fundraiser seeks to raise awareness of sex, human trafficking

Fundraiser seeks to raise awareness of sex, human trafficking

Loni Nannini / Special to the Arizona Daily Star A group of local volunteers are battling to promote awareness about modern-day slavery and end human trafficking. To facilitate that mission, the Freedom Warriors seek to raise at least $40,000 at the Second Annual Top Golf Fundraiser. “These are moms, dads, daughters, sons, friends and neighbors…

Watch it! You may be handing your child over to a trafficker! – The Sun Nigeria
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Watch it! You may be handing your child over to a trafficker! – The Sun Nigeria

By Funke Busari Over time, most young Nigerians with promising careers have fallen victims of human traffickers. Many a time, it has taken the intervention of government agencies to rescue survivors from the jaws of death and life of regret. But many have not been so fortunate. Not a few have died from every form…

A trafficking hotline could be forced to report to police. Victims may stop calling, advocates say.

A trafficking hotline could be forced to report to police. Victims may stop calling, advocates say.

The first few times she made the call, Aubree Alles hung up without saying a word. She learned the number for the National Human Trafficking Hotline sometime in the decade she calls “hell” — the years she was sold for sex by a woman who had promised her friendship and a place to stay. From…