
Prostitution is the practice of providing sexual services in exchange for money or other forms of payment. Prostitution is often referred to as the “world’s oldest profession,” and has existed in some form in most cultures throughout history. However, the legality and social acceptance of prostitution varies widely, and it is often stigmatized and subject to legal restrictions. Those who engage in prostitution are often referred to as sex workers, and can include individuals of any gender or age. Prostitution is a controversial and complex issue, and opinions on it vary greatly.



2 new Texas laws tackling human trafficking take effect Sept. 1
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2 new Texas laws tackling human trafficking take effect Sept. 1

Editor’s note: Full disclosure: PBJ Learning is developing an online course for Rideshare Drivers in Texas. Texas Transportation Network Company Human Trafficking Training TX HB 2313 is in production right now. New laws set to begin Sept. 1 are addressing human trafficking in Texas. House Bill 3579 allows the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation…

“It happens all the time:” Human trafficking in Baltimore

“It happens all the time:” Human trafficking in Baltimore

It usually doesn’t happen the way it does in the movies. The dramatic kidnapping scenes we learn to fear as kids – that’s not how human trafficking typically goes down. “The van’s not gonna pull up and yank you into the back of the van. The stuff you see in “taken” is extremely, extremely rare,…

Human trafficking: A network of crime hidden across a vast American landscape

Human trafficking: A network of crime hidden across a vast American landscape

When Bekah Charleston was first targeted as a human trafficking victim, there were no whips, chains or white vans — just a kind face and a fake name who offered her a safe place to stay. As a 17-year-old Texas runaway, Charleston thought she was finding safe haven from drug dealers she had gotten involved…

Prevention Cohort LIVE Ep 6: AMP Model Discussion; Social Media “Human Trafficking Panic” Posts
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Prevention Cohort LIVE Ep 6: AMP Model Discussion; Social Media “Human Trafficking Panic” Posts

Come learn about new tools to end human trafficking through prevention education. We go through the AMP Model to teach the definition.

Watch for the signs of human trafficking | READER COMMENTARY

Watch for the signs of human trafficking | READER COMMENTARY

Ladies, men, teens, immigrants, divorcees – beware! The following description of domestic sex trafficking is factual and based on the course entitled “Recognizing Human Trafficking and Reporting Guidelines” offered by the Institute for Natural Resources that I took for credit to renew my nursing license in 2021. For me, it raises questions: Could any of…

Florence nonprofit helps victims of human trafficking, prostitution and addiction

Florence nonprofit helps victims of human trafficking, prostitution and addiction

FLORENCE, Ala. (WHNT) — A Florence nonprofit is hoping to empower women who have lived through human trafficking, prostitution and addiction. Holos Hope says they are fighting back against the billion-dollar human trafficking industry by helping women change their lives. “Taking that first step takes a lot of courage, and you can still be afraid….

Vegas’ Dark Side – The Stories of Ex-Prostitutes 🇺🇸
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Vegas’ Dark Side – The Stories of Ex-Prostitutes 🇺🇸

What’s this all about? In this amazing video, Annie, a former sex trafficking victim who worked as a prostitute in Las Vegas, discusses her background, her entry into the industry, her encounters with pimps, and the control they exerted over her life. Annie explains how her initial attraction to the lifestyle was fueled by fantasies…

A closer look at Virginia’s new protections for human trafficking victims
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A closer look at Virginia’s new protections for human trafficking victims

NORFOLK, Va. — Olivia, a human trafficking survivor now living in Hampton Roads, said she was trafficked at 18-years-old. “I first started getting trafficked when I was living on a park bench, said Olivia. “I was 18 years old. I probably could have went home, my mom probably would have took me back, but I…

‘Reach every victim’ and ‘leave no one behind’: Sisters combat human trafficking
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‘Reach every victim’ and ‘leave no one behind’: Sisters combat human trafficking

July 30 is the United Nations’ World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The theme for this year is “Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind.” Our sister panelists shared what their congregations are doing to eliminate this grave offense against human dignity by responding to the question: What have you or your congregation…