
Prostitution is the practice of providing sexual services in exchange for money or other forms of payment. Prostitution is often referred to as the “world’s oldest profession,” and has existed in some form in most cultures throughout history. However, the legality and social acceptance of prostitution varies widely, and it is often stigmatized and subject to legal restrictions. Those who engage in prostitution are often referred to as sex workers, and can include individuals of any gender or age. Prostitution is a controversial and complex issue, and opinions on it vary greatly.



Marine lieutenant colonel stymies alleged human-trafficking ring in DC suburb

Marine lieutenant colonel stymies alleged human-trafficking ring in DC suburb

A Marine Reserve officer’s quick thinking is credited with busting a gang’s alleged human-trafficking operation in Alexandria, Va., where the lieutenant colonel was staying during a recent drill weekend in nearby Washington, according to service officials. The Marine Corps dubbed the lieutenant colonel “a hero” in a news release this week announcing he had been…

36 Days of Type: Indian Laws That Shaped Our Lives

36 Days of Type: Indian Laws That Shaped Our Lives

For #36DaysOfType, The Swaddle’s Denise D’Souza illustrated the A-Z of Indian laws that have impacted Indians in unforeseen ways. ⁠ The Armed Forces Special Powers Act of 1958 (AFSPA) grants the military the ability to maintain public order in ‘disturbed areas,’ through wide powers of arrest, the right to shoot to kill, and to occupy or…

No, letting police arrest California victims of human trafficking is not a good idea

No, letting police arrest California victims of human trafficking is not a good idea

At a press conference last month, San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit took aim at SB357, the Safer Streets for All Act. The law, which went into effect two months ago, repealed previous California law that criminalized loitering with the intent to engage in sex work. Nisleit claimed SB357 prevented law enforcement from acting to disrupt…

Oklahoma Senate approves measure addressing demand side of human trafficking

Oklahoma Senate approves measure addressing demand side of human trafficking

  Oklahoma City – State Senator Darrell Weaver has won full Senate approval of a measure which, for the first time in Oklahoma, would address the demand side of human trafficking. Weaver, R-Moore, is the Senate principal author of House Bill 2054, which would strengthen the penalty for “Johns” by changing the crime of paying a person for sex…

Advocate calls DCFS handling of trafficking victims 'gruesome' – CBS News

Advocate calls DCFS handling of trafficking victims 'gruesome' – CBS News

CHICAGO (CBS) — A member of the U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking is speaking out about the treatment of foster children by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). Brenda Myers-Powell was outraged to learn DCFS approved sending a teenage sex trafficking victim to live with a man whom court records describe…

Human trafficking and foster care discussed | News, Sports, Jobs – The Intermountain

Human trafficking and foster care discussed | News, Sports, Jobs – The Intermountain

CHARLESTON — Human trafficking and foster care were on the agenda this week as the Joint Committee on Children and Families met during the second day of January’s Interim Legislative Session. The meeting’s first presenter, West Virginia House of Delegates Counsel Robert Leslie, began by providing committee members with “some background” on the risks of…

Sex trafficking plea deal means unending ‘nightmare’ for Texas mom

Sex trafficking plea deal means unending ‘nightmare’ for Texas mom

Several people who worked on the case said they were outraged by the final resolution, which gave 2 men charged with sex trafficking a plea deal to walk free. SAN ANTONIO — Irma Reyes changed clothes in the back seat of the pickup: skirt, tights, turtleneck, leather jacket. All black. She brushed her hair and…

Tarrant County 5 Stones April 2023 Meeting
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Tarrant County 5 Stones April 2023 Meeting

Here is our recorded meeting link and chat notes for our April 2023 TC 5 Stones meeting! Our 5 Stones meeting this April consisted of some law enforcement updates and a presentation by Mary Ann Contreras, RN with JPS Health Network. Mary Ann discussed the intersection between intimate partner violence and trafficking. Here is the…

Human trafficking: Survivors of sex trafficking counsel, advocate for others | VPM

Human trafficking: Survivors of sex trafficking counsel, advocate for others | VPM

The U.S. State Department considers human trafficking a form of “modern slavery.” It happens when a person is forced to work or perform sex acts under threat of violence, often through coercion and fraud. Worldwide, over 27 million people are trafficked every day — and 90% of female victims are sexually exploited. In Virginia, the…

commUNITY spotlight: National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

commUNITY spotlight: National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Project Mona’s House started a new “Amplify” series to give people a better understanding of human trafficking. Kelly Diane Galloway, founder of Project Mona’s House, said, “I believe that those who have lived through it need to be at the forefront of these conversations. Far too often. “I hear so many people…