Author: Billy Joe Cain

Billy Joe has spent 30 years in the interactive space, creating award-winning games, simulations, educational programs, and “gamified” training products. After he learned his children were being groomed by a sex predator, whom he had known as a friend for years, he dedicated himself to helping others that didn't understand how anything like human trafficking could happen to them. In 2021, he co-founded PBJ Learning with his partner, Dr. David Deeds, to provide online certificate-level training around the world, accurately, at scale. He is a member of the Prevention Workgroup of the Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Taskforce, Central Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking (CTCAHT), Houston Area Against Trafficking (HAAT), and the Tarrant County 5-Stones Taskforce.
REVIEW: Texas Human Trafficking Resource Center – HEART Training from Texas Health and Human Services (for Healthcare Professionals)
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REVIEW: Texas Human Trafficking Resource Center – HEART Training from Texas Health and Human Services (for Healthcare Professionals)

Good course with great materials and an assessment-based certificate. Huge lost opportunity to provide easily accessible, downloadable materials to students.

International Game Developers Association Promotes Human Trafficking Prevention Education
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International Game Developers Association Promotes Human Trafficking Prevention Education

PBJ Learning is proud to have been featured in the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) Newsletter, which goes out to tens of thousands of professional interactive game developers, including employees of the biggest companies in the world, from Activision (the makers of World of Warcraft) to Epic Games (the makers of Fortnite). In the leadoff…

Psychology Today Interview with PBJ Learning’s Founders
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Psychology Today Interview with PBJ Learning’s Founders

Spreading awareness and knowledge through Psychology Today We are honored to have been interviewed by Mackenzie Littledale, who writes the “From Margin to Mainstream” blog for Psychology Today.  She spent well over an hour with us, covering so many topics. We can’t shut up when we start going, so the conversation flowed from one idea…

REVIEW: Com­mer­cial Lodg­ing Train­ing Video “HUMAN TRAFFICKING: HOW HOTEL EMPLOYEES CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE” from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
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REVIEW: Com­mer­cial Lodg­ing Train­ing Video “HUMAN TRAFFICKING: HOW HOTEL EMPLOYEES CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE” from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

This is, essentially, an unskippable video and a certificate form saying you have watched the video. Really. And this is provided by the Texas Attorney General. Let me make this perfectly clear: there is no test for understanding, the certificate is granted by collecting all the letters while you watch the video.

Surprisingly, collecting letters is actually more proof you’ve watched a video than most other video-only courses.

My Password Safety Technique – What’s Yours?
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My Password Safety Technique – What’s Yours?

Online Safety and Passwords – Take It Seriously Is the beginning of the year a good time to change your passwords? Seems as good as any! This advice is for everyone. Parents, you definitely want your children to know this, too, for obvious reasons. Let me try to convince you that you want to have…

REVIEW: Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service Human Trafficking FSA122 – 8.00 hours
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REVIEW: Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service Human Trafficking FSA122 – 8.00 hours

This course is not available yet, but it appears as if this is a course that HAS existed before.

“Currently there are no scheduled classes for this course. However, in some cases a course can be scheduled to meet your organization’s specific needs. For more information about this course or to schedule a class, please contact Institute for Law Enforcement and Protective Services Excellence.

“An ounce of PREVENTucation is worth a pound of cure”
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“An ounce of PREVENTucation is worth a pound of cure”

Prevention is better  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” We’ve heard it a zillion times. And it’s true. When it comes to human trafficking, there is one thing the experts agree upon. Prevention is better. Human trafficking education can prevent people from becoming victims. The challenge is… how do you get…

REVIEW: Hotel Training from Guardian Group
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REVIEW: Hotel Training from Guardian Group

Online Course Review Series This is a part of a series of reviews of online anti-trafficking courses. Summary Cost: $5.00 Assessment-based Certificate: Unknown. Interactivity: Unknown. Duration: Unknown. Course description: A course for hotel management and staff to equip themselves with the knowledge necessary to recognize, respond and report human trafficking. Protect yourself, your property and…

REVIEW: Stanford Human Trafficking Awareness for the Hospitality Industry
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REVIEW: Stanford Human Trafficking Awareness for the Hospitality Industry

Review: Can’t review it because it’s not available right now. This is what I see, January, 2022: “Thank you for your interest. No sections are available. Please click the button below to receive an email when the course becomes available again.”