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Prevention Cohort LIVE Ep 10: Learn how we fill the Knowledge Vault with WordPress, CyberSEO, TaxoPress, JetPack, and more

Welcome to the Prevention Cohort LIVE stream, sponsored by PBJ Learning

Today we celebrate the Knowledge Vault and I show you the “Behind the screens” of how a regular article on human trafficking from a news source gets added to the KV, and all the details on how I make it happen. 

I explain the plugins and programs I use to pull articles from RSS feeds, tag them, and create a final layout using WordPress and Elementor.

One big feature of the Knowledge Vault is that the are not only curated, but cross-linked and connected for easy use by researchers. I show you how I use TaxoPress for that.

I receive no compensation from these people – I pay for this stuff and use it. Although, yep, I'm open to sponsorship, if it makes sense! 🙂 

Here are a few links from the show:

We record these meetings so you can watch them as a bit of an extra resource for yourself.

Watch on Fathom here.

AI Summary

We livestream, record and share our meetings for everyone's benefit. We use a Zoom addon product called Fathom, which screenshares, transcribes, and provides AI summaries of the calls. The transcriptions aren't perfect, but they are way awesome. This summary of the meeting is pulled straight from the automatic notes from Fathom.

Yes, we know what Zoom does with the data. Ugh. It proves our whole point from episode 7.

  • Billy Joe discussed the process of curating articles for the knowledge vault on PBJLearning.com. He explained how he used plugins and programs to pull articles from RSS feeds, tag them, and create a final layout using WordPress and Elementor. – PLAY @0:30
  • Billy Joe and others discussed various topics including vulnerabilities, the importance of teaching people about cybersecurity, the need for international collaboration, and the role of fair use in sharing scholarly work. They also mentioned their plans to create a course for Texas Nurses and promote it through . – PLAY @9:31
  • Billy Joe and others discussed the features of their social media platforms and the importance of tagging posts for accuracy and approval. They also utilized AI to improve the user experience of their knowledge vault by generating informative answers to queries. – PLAY @18:34
  • Billy Joe and others discussed various methods of support for survivors of trafficking, such as therapy and medication, as well as the importance of early identification and health support. They also mentioned the creation of a new article on human trafficking and the features of the Knowledge Vault on PBJLearning.com. – PLAY @27:13
  • Billy Joe expressed gratitude for the time spent together and shared their mission to combat human trafficking through prevention education. They also mentioned the opportunity to support their sister organization, Radical Deputy Education Foundation, which provides BR training, emphasizing that even a small donation of $5 can make a difference. – PLAY @35:26

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Full transcript from Fathom

Ep 10: Learn how we fill the Knowledge Vault with WordPress, CyberSEO, TaxoPress, JetPack, and more – September 14

VIEW RECORDING – 36 mins (No highlights)

@0:01Billy Joe Cain @ PBJLearning.com (pbjlearning.com)

This meeting is being recorded. Hey, welcome back to another prevention cohort live. I've been asked recently to tell people how it is that I make all these blogs and how do I keep up with the knowledge vault.

And so I thought it'd be a good idea to go ahead and do just that. Hang on just a second.

SCREEN SHARING: Billy started screen sharing – WATCH

I'll be talking over to the other screen. So on the knowledge vault that's on PBJLearning.com, we have over 5,000 articles and resources, things you can print out, things you can download, things that you can use to learn, articles and things like that.

And what we do is we look through the headlines and we find things that we think are interesting. We basically post, repost them and or make comments on them or write our own pieces.

So I'm going to kind of go through… exactly how these things come to be for the most part. Like I said, we have tons of different resources, any of these things that you click on.

I'm going to take you into that article which includes the original article itself or new information, whatever. So, let me show you how we make this happen.

So, what I do is I have a… I use WordPress for our… for the webpage. And I have a plugin called Cyber SEO Pro.

And what's… well, Cyber SEO. And so, what Cyber SEO does is it allows you to write a kind of a query and you can say, hey, I want to get articles, I want to pull articles out of the news or off this RSS feed that have these terms in them.

So, this is what this does every day, every X number of minutes, this goes into full… these words from these different RSS feeds.

Then it takes those feeds and puts them in our… in like a pre… a pre area, so these are all like pending posts.

And then, so I go through each one of these things that I look for something that looks interesting. You read lot of these multi-agency operations.

lot of things for the country, benefit, cul-interred, migration. We are arrested, rich in strategies. workers can be first-lotted.

This is great. I think this is something a lot of people don't know a lot about. Even they make this…

this is a good study that says 88% of human trafficking victims, they access services, but they say that the people that are in charge of them actually recognize that they can be even trafficking.

So it's like nobody even notices them. So this is a… it's a great piece of information. I… Look over here and I also have this other program that goes through and pulls out all the tags so that the article has already been pre-tagged.

So if I see a bunch of tags over here, I'm like, oh, looks like a given. Probably along in a particle.

So the next thing we're going do is going go ahead and take look at it and what it does is I use Elementor for the final layout and everything that this just drops into kind of the WordPress default page.

So I'm just going to make this real quick. It automatically put all this stuff in here. Automatically put the art in my media directory and everything else.

And so what I do is I look through here and say, okay, there's a couple of things. There's an advertisement.

There's all these weird formatting things that you want to try to make sure that you've gotten rid of. We've the

We need to find a term that would be a key phrase, and you don't want to use the same term all the time because the SEO gets all funky if you do that.

So you want to have it a little bit different all the time. It's going to be a little So, somebody said…

don't think that any of the people that I haven't worked with over the years would think that that was a good thing.

We do not need to have scary images inside of these articles. People are frightened enough as it is. And it also…

that interests people. I have been told that it's basically re-injurious. Okay, so one of the things that I have in here is…

I'm the text. I'm to go text. I'm going text. going text. I'm going text. going to text. going go ahead text.

going the text. going to go ahead and read the text. going the going to text. text. to go ahead and read the I'm go going to I've the I've read

See something that seems relevant. Like app, it's almost never. It's just part of a word, but I only use that in the cases where somebody actually has an application.

So tagging yourself is really… I think it's really important because I really want people to find value in this system.

And if I tag it wrong, it just makes it everybody completely. So I have high hopes for this ridiculous amount of data.

I love data. And I want to use it for all kinds of other things later. So this is kind of like leaving breadcrumbs.

We're gonna have… yeah, there's some really cool stuff that's gonna happen on our website soon. Okay, so now I've gone through and I have tagged all the little things.

There's that scary image and that they want that to be the thing that gets posted on social media about this.

What are you trying to do? That doesn't make me feel like a healthcare worker. Being the first… I'm so sorry guys, that's just unacceptable.

So we're going to have to replace that picture. And we'll see. Maybe we can find out if we have something in our library right now.

Let's go for Nurse. There, that looks… yeah, that's kind of nice. But… yeah, I'm okay with that. Another image came from another thing, but hey, what are we doing here?

Trying to make it not be super scary because that was really something else. You know, why would you put that image on there unless…

I mean, I just gotta say that I'm so glad someone wrote the article. But when it comes to that, that's just too much.

Yeah, we've got to do better. I have a couple of articles on the Knowledge Vault about… I don't to write articles about victims of people with lived experience and what words to use and stuff like that.

So I don't know how fascinating any of that stuff is, but it's really absolutely irritating to go through and try to work with people.

So I then it feels like people are just turning it into just clicks. That just was too much. Anyway, okay, so let's see.

Alright. So this article kind of followed into one of the categories. They have a lot of things that they want to tell you.

So they kind of have to drop match it at the beginning. So you really have to listen to I'm glad to see that they're talking about vulnerabilities, you know, because that is absolutely the truth.

Everything is about vulnerabilities. So I'm gonna go ahead and do something and enhance that. That is very important. I think, yeah, that's the truth.

The eutrophobic is… yeah, it does expose people to physical, short term. mean, that's really what it is. Unchecked spread of infectious disease.

Yeah, that is true. You know, often here people talk about that. Do that, so the biggie right here, the central point of their entire pieces of computers.

88% of victims access, healthcare services. You know, I should tell you that we have some people that train with our DRM in the hospitals.

When they say that they go in there and they go teach the nurses and the doctors in the emergency rooms, and they're just like, they had no idea they tried to get game was even happening.

And when they get finished using our VR thing, they're like, I had a, I had somebody here yesterday. They don't, and they're just like, they just, and they were like, oh, now that I see, now that I know what I need to be looking for, they were like, oh yeah, this kid was practically telling me everything that was wrong.

And then they're crying and they're Please leave your mind. Because they want to help, you know. We need to do a better job of teaching people.

And this one here is, you know, this makes me want to wake up tomorrow and call bunch of doctors.

Okay. Um, the inability to help your person is to return and identify potential traffic cases. It's reasonable to have need to be approved individually and systemically.

I totally… we completely… totally support that mindset right there as a matter of fact. So what can be done?

International collaboration, order control, team. Yeah, that's true. And this is some… this is some Oh, what's this here? You just did Department of Health and Human Services online training course.

Well, we're going to have to take a look at that. Oh, yeah, store. Yeah, this is pretty good actually.

I think I did a review of it. Yeah, if I did it and if I posted it, I'll put a link down below because the source is really good.

Jealous. I mean, honestly, you know, it's a great material. The problem I have with most heavy recourse is that it's not interactive.

It's just not. So they may have some things that sort of get there, but they're not really letting it So I'm not ripping on store.

These guys are amazing. They're doing great work. It's just that I have a higher standard for them and I want them to reach out to reach further because they could get better.

Anyway, so back to this. So yes, I helped me with services. I had a friend actually yesterday write me, actually texted me and she was making me to make a course for the Texas Nursselves.

I just need to write contact with somebody there that's going to teach me what needs to be done, but God, we've spent so much time on our courses that…

I want to have some belief that once I get through this, once I get… yeah, I just want to have somebody to know how to make sure I walk through the process.

Yeah, the issue of human trafficking can obviously solve this governmental and institutional policy alone. That's a fact. have an entire…

society and world economy to fix. Okay. Yeah, man. Great job. Who are much submitted to Dallas News. Congratulations. You guys rock.

Okay. So one of the things that we do is because… because our articles are generally, I'd say, on the whole written by other people, we post this in here about fair use.

And so fair use really says, hey, we know this content. good day. day. Bye. Turn them off if they want it.

We have, we've reprinted a lot of people's scholarly work that really needs to be out there. And it works very hard to make sure that it's all cross categorized and connected in here.

So if you think about the Knowledge Vault as a big system, these here are the, these are the ways that they all stay connected.

So this, this, while this article has a whole lot of stuff in here about, you know, some of the basics.

It also goes into PTSD, which is an enormous deal. So being able to easily find articles that are tagged with PTSD and you know that they're, you know, from a group that works with human trafficking so that you know all these things that have had to reach at least a certain standard to even get inside of these articles.

are not just things that are reprinted, things that are read. mean, we just went through this together. So this is the way that I do So the next thing we're going to do is, let's see, so yeah, so we have this part at the bottom.

Basically, hey guys, come take our course for . so if you're reading the material, please come take the course.

Name your price. You can choose zero dollars if you want. Okay, so then the next thing we do is we're going to go back to that previous page.

We've got the artwork changed. I checked to make sure that the things are good. Okay, so we'll go back to the previous versions.

So this is the Elementor page layout view and all these things here on the left are elements. That's kind of the Elementor thing.

So right here, your page is essentially just sitting inside of here now. And all of the stuff is just kind of like a wrapper.

So we've got our focus key phrase, population. We've got our meta description. We really wanted to spend time editing stuff.

could go through and actually edit the article for readability. So a whole bunch of things. You really got to think about the SEO.

So now that we added that little stuff at the bottom on the page, now there's a whole bunch of extra words that are on here that are now embedded in the page.

Well, these are all basically kind of like that. Well, we've replaced stuff, so I do not click on any of those things.

So those are kind of used to those because all those words are in there. So now tonight we look down here.

and you can look at categories which those are important but only have… we just do the news and .

It makes it obvious to know what things will fool from other sites. These are all the tags that are associated with it and they…

this means that now anything that's already in here has this when you click on this button. It'll also show up and I'll explain how that works.

Ooh, let's see what else. I think that's it and we are ready to post and so we have this thing called Jetpack and what Jetpack does is it allows us to connect some of our social media sites.

So we have our Facebook and our LinkedIn and our whatever that is. What is that? It is the… Sorry, I have other ones.

We can't even remember. I've put all these things in here. And that's just ridiculous to do with some problems.

What is that one? Oh, God. Oh well, I'll just be embarrassed about that for the rest of my life.

I can't remember. And I'm not gonna bother to look. Okay. Let's see. Enable social image. This is all that's registered.

So it used to be on Jetpack. You could actually do a Twitter one too, but they didn't guarantee that.

So we're gonna write a message here. Good. Hell. Here, workers, the train, well, you can track their… in there.

Do you think? Yeah, because they're not. And when we click publish, what's happening now is it is queuing in So have enough to go out on…

I'm going sorry, it went on Facebook and it went on to LinkedIn. Let's see what it looks like. Boom, There you go.

And one of the other things that I had in here in our program is this ability to automatically tag words that are tagged.

So it looks like it found this word healthcare and added a link because this is what posts are pointing at my finger.

Post tagged with healthcare. So that's how that works. Also, know, if this is the online training course that we just flipped out with the word, I might have put the news.

just takes you to the news article here. But what I think is really important about this is really this concept of tagging.

I know that, you know, if you're a developer, you know, it's not, it doesn't seem like it's that big of a deal.

But to me, as a person that… I figured that once everything is inside of our knowledge vault, you know that this stuff has been looked at and approved.

It's not outrageous or trying to make somebody upset. like, look, these are factual things. So anyway, I just wanted to click on the post-traumatic stress disorder thing to see exactly what happened.

Okay, so what it does is, again, it's a tag. so, this chat box, then you're like your core. interested.

Let's go deeper. Okay, so let's talk about these tags. So you have things that are called posts and posts can be tagged or metatagged or whatever with certain terms.

And so those things just get attached to them. So this is our list of all of our tags. And you can see that we have it astronomically, or maybe not astronomically, with a large number tags, like almost 9,000 tags.

And you can also put in Traumatic. Let's see how many tags come up with Traumatic. Alright, so there's… looks like there's three.

And if you'll notice, one has no dash, one has a dash. Well, that's important because when the thing automatically goes through, it may choose one.

Oh, look at that. Every time they come up, it looks like they must have come up at the same time.

So what happens, what winds are happening is if there is something that's similar, you might wind up selecting them automatically or accidentally.

So I kind of come in here sometimes and do a little cleanup. So this says there's 17 articles that happens to have a term on it.

And here is one of the things that I do to make this better for people. So I go to chat, GPT, and I ask it to please.

I find this term with regard to YouTube address. Now I do this because I know what the answer is, but man, this thing words things perfectly sometimes and it's like so much easier to just read through an answer than to try to come up with the actual wording of an answer.

So I apologize if any one feels that this was bad. But this This is the kind of thing that can really significantly improve the…

User experience of the knowledge vault because… come on. Look at this. There's no way I was going to write that.

That's just what's not going to happen. So here we go. So what I do is I use my own experience and I read through the answer and see if I feel like an adequate answer, if I feel like it is, then I'm going put it back in there and attack.

Look at it. PTSD in the context of seeing trafficking versus your mental health. And it's who have been subjected to traumatic experiences and trafficking.

That there is kind of like an example of how the AI is putting a guardrail. What they usually means is they start off with like a definition of human trafficking because that really helps people get their head around how…

what it is. it's like finding it before you dig into it. So then it says, all right, victims. I'm going to ask

Diagnosed with PTSD and individual missing unit specific symptoms for extended periods, usually for months, the trauma has been spent, the symptoms can be patterned, the formate, the questions, wow, intrusive thoughts, recurring, distressing memories, flashpads, and numbness.

Actually, avoiding the lunges of the trauma, the auditory, the lung is possible. good activity, negative alterations of mood and cognition.

This can include feelings of guilt, shame, Meaning negative beliefs about itself, but the world and difficulty concentrating on experiencing positive emotions.

Man, this is just done better and better all the time. This is hard to read, arousal and reactivity, which was maybe done at least in startles.

Sleeping players with their ability to engage self-discipline. Duration and impairment with diagnosis. These pieces must cause significant distress in impairment.

It functions in the context of attractive. It's fine reasons. I'm if you're in room, but in society there's a need to maintain a risk shift to achieve what we think.

Treatment, PTSD, resulting in the trafficking officer, specialized trauma and form care, that's true. know people that do that. This may include psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing.

You know, medication and support services be with trusted PPs and survivors, yes. It doesn't of the problem. It's important that the effects of trafficking can extend beyond the development PTSD, survivors hospital-renity, experience of range of other mental health challenges, depression, anxiety and health loss trauma, early identification and health support survivors crucial in helping them feel free to build their lives.

This is wonderful. I could never quit that. And now we have it, and now we've read it. So we're going to go to edit post-traumatic stress.

I'll you a little box down here that says description. You can drop that right in there. There's a bunch of dibs in this thing which might make it look here.

But… and what I also do is highlight the boldface, the word, so you can see it come up. Here we go!

I have this is extremely exciting. And so, to make that even better, I'm going to tell you how boring it is when you have 8,000 words and then you have definitions.

Now, I could have looked something out really fast. could have sold something off Wikipedia or whatever. But I think going through and asking Chachi BT to go and do an analysis, me something, put it together.

mean, this is just absolutely fantastic. So… Now, let's see. We're going to start here. It's the back to where we were and take a look.

Actually, we can go ahead and just refresh this page. is what he used to look like. we'll… get it a bit easier.

what it used to look like? Nothing. And now, look at that. It's a big old definition of it that you know I've looked at and then underneath it because all the articles…

I love it. And notice this. You know, it just goes right into the articles. Well, I have a trick for that.

And that is that I have to add couple of character terms within it. Yes, I do this for you because I want it to be easily readable.

Do. And so two usually doesn't. Oh, it looks like the cameras is something. There we are. Wait a minute.

Now, we're managing to… So, it looked like this. Then it looked like this. know, it's rolled down. And now it's a little gap right here.

I think that makes a big difference. I think it's actually a big difference. Anyway, my opinion. And I think that's really about it.

Yeah, so now we got our new article up. Let's go to the Knowledge Vault and show you exactly how this works.

So when you go to… PBJLearning.com. And you want to learn anything about human trafficking? have what we call our knowledge vault.

And this knowledge vault includes a number of major categories. So we have 15 major categories, whether it's just kind of like the news, which we call eyes-on trafficking.

Or if you want to look at some reviews of people's online courses, I review human trafficking courses. We have parents over the five.

So these are like the major categories. It's like you're looking for resources or you need some help or you need help or whatever.

You can go there. We have just a giant… So each one of these articles will have resources inside of them.

Anyway, where am I going with all of those? Yeah, my point is that when you get to the knowledge vault, we have a couple of big search areas that That you can go for.

We broke it down on the main menu here at the top so you can actually just go ahead and get any of these different cat boards for the museum.

At the very top, we have like the most recent articles so these kind of slide by. We thought that was pretty cool.

They give you something to look at. This is the thing that's really true. thing is that there is no perfect resource on in-driving.

There's just not. So, deal with it. We're doing the best we can to find the information that we can using other people's or the studies that the information that we have for ourselves.

But it's really hard to get it right. I mean, this is a crime that we're talking about and you're just…

it's impossible to get the statistics correct because you have to know how many people are actually traffickers and be able to accuse them of that.

So, just have to do the best we can with these things. we make mistakes and we try to correct them.

And we find other people that have made it. We try to present the most accurate information as none, exploitatively or in any unhealthy way.

We're doing the best we can to keep everything on the up and up. And support the whole movement. Okay, so right here we have our search menu.

you can basically use You in anything. can use quotes to make sure you get the exact phrase that you're looking for.

Or if you're looking for something that's kind of in general, like you want know about , you can just put in any category.

We'll see what other kind of stuff we can do. See… oh, this is kind of cool. We are working on a secret information.

We're working on a book called Alicia's New Boyfriend. Because I'm logged in as myself when I do a search, it shows things that I'll see things that you won't be able to see.

So Alicia's new boyfriend is an illustrated book that has QR codes inside of it that when you click on the QR code, it actually takes you to our online page and gives you additional information or activities to do.

So this is one of those pages. This is just a stone that just to make sure that it works.

So right now we just have the definition of grooming. We also did a… actually… I think this is just going to show the view of this.

Anyway, sorry, I got a little bit off-right. But that's kind of what I like about the Knowledge Vault is that all these things are connected.

So it's really easy to just find my way around. I want to look at some… what are the signs in red flags of team trafficking?

I'm sure there's a bunch of on it, so we include that in a number of these videos that are here.

This movie right here, Brood, is fantastic. We should do it once along with that. Maybe we'll do that next week.

Okay, I'm going turn off the sharing. want to thank you for spending the… at the time with us today.

really appreciate it. We're on a mission to in-human trafficking through prevention education. If you want to help us, help our sister's organization, a nonprofit called Radical Deputy Education Foundation, we're the ones that do the BR training.

And even $5 really helps us out. ReefCares.org. r-e-e-f-c-a-r-e-s.org. You know… you know. Okay, that's it for me. awesome. Keep being incredible.