
Violence is the use of physical force or power to cause harm or damage. Violence can take many different forms, such as assault, rape, murder, or war. Violence can be committed by individuals, groups, or governments, and can be directed against oneself, other people, or property. Violence can have serious physical, emotional, and psychological consequences for victims, as well as for those who witness or perpetrate it. The prevention of violence and the promotion of peace are important goals in many societies.

Defence For Children Netherlands: Global developments in the sexual exploitation of children

Defence For Children Netherlands: Global developments in the sexual exploitation of children

PRESS RELEASE   The Netherlands, 13 June 2022   The influence of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and increasing food insecurity on the sexual exploitation of children worldwide.  Internationally, the risks of children becoming victims of sexual exploitation have increased, both in real life and by technology. Climate change, food insecurities, and conflict exacerbate the risks…

‘Beyond troubling’: Current, former government officials tied to human trafficking probe in Georgia

‘Beyond troubling’: Current, former government officials tied to human trafficking probe in Georgia

Farmworker advocates linked to human trafficking and forced labor in Georgia Two Georgia labor officials whose jobs involved protecting or advocating for farmworkers have links to one of the largest U.S. human trafficking cases ever prosecuted involving foreign agricultural laborers brought here on seasonal visas. One individual indicted in the case, Brett Donovan Bussey, left…

Human trafficking is 'blowing up': Fundraising fun run to help victims within the Parry Sound district

Human trafficking is 'blowing up': Fundraising fun run to help victims within the Parry Sound district

It’s a bit of fun for a very serious reason. District of Parry Sound Victim Services is hosting a #KINDNESSLOOKSGOODONYOU fundraising fun run to, in part, get signage and cards into bathroom stalls in the hopes of helping victims of human trafficking. “Human trafficking is blowing up. A lot of people don’t think it’s here…

United Way Advocates for Education, Health and Income Opportunity Equity

United Way Advocates for Education, Health and Income Opportunity Equity

Advocacy is defined as public support for a particular cause or policy. But it’s also the life blood of positive, lasting community change. Public policy advocacy is a cornerstone of United Way’s work. We’ve seen how speaking up — and speaking out — to elected officials can bridge the gap between a short-term fix and a long-term solution. Across the globe, United…

Senior police officers undergo training on human trafficking law – BusinessGhana

Senior police officers undergo training on human trafficking law – BusinessGhana

A person who has any knowledge or suspects anyone of human trafficking and fails to inform the police commits an offence, according to the Human trafficking Act, 2005 (Act 694). Any such person is liable upon summary conviction to a fine of not less than 250 penalty units or a term of imprisonment not less…

‘I survived a labour detention camp where prisoners had their organs harvested’
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‘I survived a labour detention camp where prisoners had their organs harvested’

A woman has recalled the harrowing psychological torture she endured at a labour camp in China where prisoners had their organs harvested.  Annie Yang, 56, was detained in three different camps between March 2005 and September 2006 in China before fleeing to the UK – she has shared her harrowing experience of psychological torture  …

5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour in Durban, South Africa

5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour in Durban, South Africa

Assessing global progress made towards achieving the goals of Target 8.7: Securing the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour by 2025.  The 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour was held in Durban between 15-20 May 2022.   Hosted by the Government of South Africa, delegates from around the world…

Rotarians Will Hear Human Trafficking Update, Public Invited – Pasadena Now
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Rotarians Will Hear Human Trafficking Update, Public Invited – Pasadena Now

Victor Boutros, CEO and co-founder of the Human Trafficking Institute, will be speaking on Wednesday, June 15, at the Pasadena Rotary Club’s weekly luncheon meeting, which starts at 12 noon. He will be speaking on the topic, “Why Trafficking Thrives and How to Decimate It.” The meeting is in person at the University Club of…

'A legacy of hope': Scholarship awarded in honor of Sydney Loofe – KETV

'A legacy of hope': Scholarship awarded in honor of Sydney Loofe – KETV

OMAHA, Neb. — Sydney Loofe’s bright smile flashes on screen Friday night, as her family awarded a scholarship in Loofe’s name. “I guess I’m just glad that we are able to offer this every year,” Susie Loofe said. Loofe’s parents, George and Susie partnered with The Set Me Free Project for the scholarship. The organization…