United Nations

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization that was established in 1945 to promote international cooperation and address global challenges. It consists of 193 member states and a number of specialized agencies and programs, which work together to achieve its goals.

One of the UN’s key objectives is to promote and protect human rights, including the rights of victims of human trafficking. To this end, the UN has adopted several conventions and protocols that define human trafficking and provide guidelines for combating it.

The UN also works to raise awareness about human trafficking and to support efforts to prevent and prosecute it. This includes providing technical assistance and capacity-building to member states, and supporting organizations that work directly with victims of trafficking.

The UN also plays a key role in coordinating the international response to human trafficking. This includes working with other international organizations, such as the International Labour Organization and the World Bank, to develop and implement global strategies to combat trafficking.

Overall, the UN is a key player in the global fight against human trafficking, and its efforts are critical to protecting the rights of victims and holding traffickers accountable for their crimes.

Trafficking in children on the rise, says new UN report
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Trafficking in children on the rise, says new UN report

“Unfortunately, the report shows there is no place in the world where children, women and men are safe from human trafficking,” said UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov. “Official data reported to UNODC by national authorities represent only what has been detected. It is very clear that the scale of modern-day slavery is far worse,” he…

Not enough done to reintegrate victims of human trafficking, UN-backed report warns
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Not enough done to reintegrate victims of human trafficking, UN-backed report warns

“Any support offered to victims of trafficking needs to be given in a way that restores a sense of control for the victims over their own lives,” the regional project manager for the UN Inter-agency Project on Human Trafficking (UNIAP), said of the study, commissioned by the Governments of the Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative against…

Turkish doctor suspected of human organ trafficking arrested

Turkish doctor suspected of human organ trafficking arrested

By the CNN Wire Staff STORY HIGHLIGHTS NEW: Arrested Turkish doctor Yusuf Ercin Sonmez says “there is no organ trade” He reportedly is suspected of involvement in an organ smuggling ring Kosovo District Court issues Interpol warrant Istanbul (CNN) — A Turkish doctor arrested in an investigation into an alleged human organ smuggling ring protested…