Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is a serious crime and a form of sexual violence that involves the non-consensual or forced sexual contact or behavior of one person towards another. Sexual abuse can take many different forms, including rape, sexual assault, incest, and sexual exploitation. Sexual abuse can have a profound and lasting impact on the victims, causing physical, emotional, and psychological harm. It is a pervasive problem that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse, it is important to seek help from a trusted medical professional or counselor, as well as to report the abuse to the authorities.

The Devil Went Down to Denver: The Satanic Temple, Unbaptisms, and Christian Conservatism

The Devil Went Down to Denver: The Satanic Temple, Unbaptisms, and Christian Conservatism

Editor’s note: We present articles with information on “satanic panic” for your research on American culture. “They’re demonic. It’s sickening, some of these books,” said Cain Young of Task Force Freedom during a Jan. 24 presentation at Message of Life Ministries in Loveland. The purpose of the meeting was to present “actions you can take…