Safe Housing

Safe Housing refers to secure and appropriate accommodation for trafficking victims. In the context of human trafficking, safe housing is a critical component of victim support and recovery efforts. Trafficking victims may be in need of safe housing to escape from their traffickers or to recover from the physical and emotional trauma of their exploitation. Safe housing can provide a secure and supportive environment where victims can access medical care, counseling, legal assistance, and other services. In addition, safe housing can help to prevent re-trafficking and support victims in their transition to independent living.

State Agencies and Organizations That Combat Child Sex Trafficking and Exploitation
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State Agencies and Organizations That Combat Child Sex Trafficking and Exploitation

Seeking information on human trafficking training? PBJ Learning recommends Human Trafficking Essentials, where you can earn your Certificate of Mastery in less than an hour. The below information is reprinted from the Child Welfare Information Gateway. Child Welfare Information Gateway is a service of the Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and…

Guest Worker Visas and Labor Trafficking: Weaknesses in the H2 Visa Programs
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Guest Worker Visas and Labor Trafficking: Weaknesses in the H2 Visa Programs

Exploitation is practically written into immigration and foreign labor policy Original document: March 12, 2022 We offer this article in audio form. It’s generated by a program; apologies for any weirdness. Introduction Where immigration policy and anti-human trafficking initiatives meet, loopholes are often created that allow for the continued exploitation and trafficking of foreign laborers…

11 Men Arrested in Sting Operation Targeting Human Trafficking through Prostitution in Dubuque
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11 Men Arrested in Sting Operation Targeting Human Trafficking through Prostitution in Dubuque

Click a link below to jump to a particular article or scroll down to read the whole blog post. 11 Men Arrested in Prostitution Sting in Dubuque The NAHT Needs Your Help to Ensure the Iowa Legislature Passes the Safe Harbor Bill (HF 2464) New Human Trafficking Trainer at Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Iowa Faith-Based…

Biographic Information for Members of the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking
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Biographic Information for Members of the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking

Tanya Gould Tanya Gould, a survivor of domestic sex trafficking, is the founder of Identifiable Me, a non-profit that helps move those who have been victimized by sexual violence towards self-discovery and their life’s purpose. Ms. Gould serves as a mentor, consultant, advisor, trainer, and keynote speaker on topics relating to her story. Years after…