
Prostitution is the practice of providing sexual services in exchange for money or other forms of payment. Prostitution is often referred to as the “world’s oldest profession,” and has existed in some form in most cultures throughout history. However, the legality and social acceptance of prostitution varies widely, and it is often stigmatized and subject to legal restrictions. Those who engage in prostitution are often referred to as sex workers, and can include individuals of any gender or age. Prostitution is a controversial and complex issue, and opinions on it vary greatly.



Arkansas woman rescued after trafficking arrest in Miami

Arkansas woman rescued after trafficking arrest in Miami The 21-year-old was rescued after she was able to text her father on Thanksgiving, which alerted authorities to arrest Kyron Richardson. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A Little Rock woman has been rescued after a man was arrested in Miami, Florida for his alleged connection to human trafficking. Law enforcement arrested 29-year-old Kyron Richardson for…

Thelwell honored for her commitment to fighting human trafficking, child exploitation and elder abuse
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Thelwell honored for her commitment to fighting human trafficking, child exploitation and elder abuse

Assistant U.S. Attorney Lisa Thelwell was awarded “Prosecutor of the Year” by Attorney General Ashley Moody at the annual Human Trafficking Summit. Lisa Thelwell remembers that August day in 2012 when Chief Assistant Don Horn welcomed her class of 40 new hires — mostly beginning lawyers like her — to the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office….

Ghislaine Maxwell Net Worth: How Much Wealthier is She? – Lake County News

Ghislaine Maxwell Net Worth: How Much Wealthier is She? – Lake County News

Here we are talking about Ghislaine Maxwell net worth, Former British socialite and convicted sex offender Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell. She was convicted of child sex trafficking in 2021 in addition to other crimes related to financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. She received a 20-year prison term on June 28, 2022, in a…

Alabama Defendant Sentenced to 60 Years and Ordered to Pay Over $950,000 in Restitution for Sex Trafficking Scheme Involving Forced Prostitution
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Alabama Defendant Sentenced to 60 Years and Ordered to Pay Over $950,000 in Restitution for Sex Trafficking Scheme Involving Forced Prostitution

U.S. District Court Judge R. Austin Huffaker Jr. of the Middle District of Alabama sentenced defendant Lonnie Mitchell, 36, of Montgomery, Alabama, to 60 years in prison for coercing several victims, including a minor, to engage in prostitution over the course of several years. The judge also ordered the defendant to pay over $950,000 in…

International Day For The Abolition Of Slavery 2022: Theme, History and Significance
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International Day For The Abolition Of Slavery 2022: Theme, History and Significance

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, 2022: The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery is observed every year on 2 December. The day is celebrated to remind us of the evils of slavery, forced labour, child labor and sexual exploitation and trafficking and to end the slavery prevalent in our times. In this…

Multiple women rescued from human trafficking scheme after paying to cross southern border into US; 2 arrested

Multiple women rescued from human trafficking scheme after paying to cross southern border into US; 2 arrested

856 migrants have died at US southern border in 2022, breaking record: CBP Two people were arrested in Tampa, Florida, in connection with a human trafficking case that began in Cuba, according to authorities. Amet Ramon Maqueira de la Cal and Rosalia Leonard Garcia were arrested on multiple charges, including human trafficking and false imprisonment….

JOHN SWEENEY: Ghislaine Maxwell went out on the hunt for girls Epstein liked, just out of puberty

JOHN SWEENEY: Ghislaine Maxwell went out on the hunt for girls Epstein liked, just out of puberty

Editor’s note: Articles about Maxwell and Epstein are controversial, and often include suppositions, misdirection, and falsehoods meant to manipulate public opinion. This article is presented for you to use for your own research and come to your own conclusions. She’d say: ‘I’ve got to get the nubiles’ By John Sweeney For The Mail On Sunday…

MTV’s Korean Drama Butterfly to Raise Awareness on Human Trafficking

MTV’s Korean Drama Butterfly to Raise Awareness on Human Trafficking

An unfortunate social reality in the Asia-Pacific is that it accounts for the lion’s share of the world’s human trafficking: according to the United Nations, 56 percent to be exact. Globally, the number of victims is around 2.5 million people, mainly women and children. In an effort to stem this human rights atrocity, MTV EXIT…

Human Trafficking: A look inside “The Life” – Journey to recovery

Human Trafficking: A look inside “The Life” – Journey to recovery

GREEN BAY, Wis. (WBAY) – Throughout our series, Human Trafficking: A Look Inside ‘The Life’, a survivor bravely shared her story with Action 2 News viewers to bring awareness to a serious issue in Wisconsin. However, Jane, says public awareness in only the first step to combating human trafficking. Watch the video here. “I’m officially…