
Prostitution is the practice of providing sexual services in exchange for money or other forms of payment. Prostitution is often referred to as the “world’s oldest profession,” and has existed in some form in most cultures throughout history. However, the legality and social acceptance of prostitution varies widely, and it is often stigmatized and subject to legal restrictions. Those who engage in prostitution are often referred to as sex workers, and can include individuals of any gender or age. Prostitution is a controversial and complex issue, and opinions on it vary greatly.



Thai Woman Pleads Guilty to Her Role in International Sex Trafficking Conspiracy
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Thai Woman Pleads Guilty to Her Role in International Sex Trafficking Conspiracy

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Sumalee Intarathong has pleaded guilty to her role in a large-scale international Thai sex trafficking organization, announced United States Attorney Andrew M. Luger. “Today’s guilty plea marks the final conviction in a years-long international sex trafficking prosecution resulting in 37 convictions,” said U.S. Attorney Andrew M. Luger. “Ms. Intarathong, worked directly…

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month – know the signs
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January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month – know the signs

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash Information provided by Illinois Department of Children & Family Services CHICAGO, Ill. (January 1, 2023) – January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is partnering with The Power Project to train group home and residential care facility staff across Illinois…

Ohio Attorney General Yost to Host Anti-Trafficking Summit in January
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Ohio Attorney General Yost to Host Anti-Trafficking Summit in January

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost (R) will host his Fourth Annual Human Trafficking Summit next January 26 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Seventeen workshops will take place at the event, including examination of the trauma inflicted on trafficking survivors, best practices for serving those who have endured such crimes, discussion of why individuals solicit…

Rapper Arrested for Keeping Girlfriend as Sex Slave in Alleged Human Trafficking Case

Rapper Arrested for Keeping Girlfriend as Sex Slave in Alleged Human Trafficking Case

State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle announced Thursday the arrest and extradition of an alleged human trafficker that fled to another state after the Florida Highway Patrol, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the State Attorney’s Human Trafficking Task Force intervened to rescue the victim. “The sad reality is that a modern-day form of slavery does…

Planned shelter in Georgia for juvenile human trafficking victims getting government funding

Planned shelter in Georgia for juvenile human trafficking victims getting government funding

A shelter under development in Savannah’s Chatham County for child survivors of human trafficking will receive a multi-year grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to help fund operations for the 12-bed facility, scheduled to open in summer 2023. Tharros Place announced in December that the DOJ is awarding $250,000 annually over three years to…

Epstein’s sex trafficking was aided by JPMorgan, a U.S. Virgin Islands lawsuit says

Epstein’s sex trafficking was aided by JPMorgan, a U.S. Virgin Islands lawsuit says

The government of the U.S. Virgin Islands alleges in a lawsuit filed this week that JPMorgan Chase “turned a blind eye” to evidence that disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein used the bank to facilitate sex-trafficking activities on Little St. James, the private island he owned in the territory until his 2019 suicide. In a more than…

Maryland man faces human trafficking charges in South Florida

Maryland man faces human trafficking charges in South Florida

MIAMI – Monriko Clements, 31, of Maryland, has been arrested on human trafficking charges after authorities say he brought a woman to Florida only to human traffic her. Clements, a rapper from Maryland, tried to pimp out his girlfriend. The victim is a 23-year-old also from Maryland, and she was desperate to escape Clements. So,…

Oladapo Sofowora rejigs fight against Human Trafficking, Hunger
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Oladapo Sofowora rejigs fight against Human Trafficking, Hunger

Media Entrepreneur, women, youth and human trafficking advocate Oladapo Adekunle Sofowora, has further intensified his effort to ensure modern-day slavery is reduced to the barest minimum. The head honcho of Rudder Blade Global has been a strong advocate against women and child trafficking more recently playing a pivotal role in the successful training program as…

DCFS Providing Training to Spot Signs of Human Trafficking
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DCFS Providing Training to Spot Signs of Human Trafficking

  DCFS Providing Training to Spot Signs of Human Trafficking (Chicago, IL) — January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is partnering with The Power Project to train group home and residential care facility staff across Illinois on how to identify, intervene and prevent human trafficking…