Pimp Circle

A pimp circle is a group of pimps who work together to control and profit from the sexual exploitation of others, particularly women and children. Pimp circles may operate in a variety of settings, including in cities, at truck stops, and online. They may use a variety of tactics to recruit and control their victims, including physical abuse, psychological manipulation, and threats of violence. Pimping is a form of human trafficking and is illegal in most countries.

Pimp circles often operate in a hierarchical manner, with one or more dominant pimps controlling a group of subordinate pimps. They may also use a variety of methods to market and sell the sexual services of their victims, including online advertisements, escort services, and street prostitution. The victims of pimps often suffer physical and emotional abuse, and they may be forced to engage in sexual activities against their will or to work long hours for little or no pay.

It is important to recognize the signs of pimp-controlled sex trafficking and to report any suspected cases to the authorities. If you or someone you know is being controlled or exploited by a pimp, it is important to seek help and support from a trusted source, such as a crisis hotline or a law enforcement agency.



Human trafficking terms
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Human trafficking terms

Editor’s note: We’ve collected terms and definitions from a variety of sources for your research. From Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children The following list of key terms used in sex trafficking is published in Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children by Linda Smith. To learn more, order your copy of…