Catchall category for LGBTQIA+ tags in the Knowledge Vault.

LGBT is an acronym that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. The term is used to refer to the community of individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. It is often used as a umbrella term to include all people who are not heterosexual or cisgender. The LGBT community has made significant strides in recent years in terms of greater acceptance and visibility, but there is still a long way to go to achieve full equality and acceptance.

LGBTQIA+ is an acronym that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and asexual or allies. The term is used to refer to the community of individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+. It is an expanded version of the acronym LGBT that includes additional identities within the broader umbrella of non-heterosexual and non-cisgender people. The LGBTQIA+ community has made significant strides in recent years in terms of greater acceptance and visibility, but there is still a long way to go to achieve full equality and acceptance.

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The Devil Went Down to Denver: The Satanic Temple, Unbaptisms, and Christian Conservatism

The Devil Went Down to Denver: The Satanic Temple, Unbaptisms, and Christian Conservatism

Editor’s note: We present articles with information on “satanic panic” for your research on American culture. “They’re demonic. It’s sickening, some of these books,” said Cain Young of Task Force Freedom during a Jan. 24 presentation at Message of Life Ministries in Loveland. The purpose of the meeting was to present “actions you can take…