Legal Representation

Legal representation is the act of providing legal advice and representation to someone in a legal matter. This can be done by a lawyer or other legal professional, such as a paralegal. Legal representation is important because it can help ensure that an individual’s rights and interests are protected in legal proceedings. A lawyer can provide legal advice and guidance, help to negotiate settlements, and represent an individual in court. In some cases, such as criminal proceedings, the right to legal representation is guaranteed by law.



Where to get help with your rights to justice, equality and civil liberties
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Where to get help with your rights to justice, equality and civil liberties

 SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — We don’t have all the answers, but we do have a lot of local resources to help you navigate this difficult time in our communities. See below for a list of human rights resources that will help you find an ally and get help.  This list will keep growing, so if…

Human Trafficking Victims in Bosnia ‘Need Better Protection’: Report – Balkan Insight
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Human Trafficking Victims in Bosnia ‘Need Better Protection’: Report – Balkan Insight

The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, GRETA, an independent monitoring group, said in a report for the Council of Europe published on Tuesday that Bosnia and Herzegovina’s has improved legislation to combat human trafficking but it needs to be implemented more effectively to ensure protection and justice for victims. The…

Agricultural Labor Trafficking | State |
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Agricultural Labor Trafficking | State |

When many people think of human trafficking they think of it in terms of human trafficking for sex, but there are also growing concerns about labor trafficking. The Bakken Human Panning Summit Committee chaired by Shaun Schatz of the McKenzie County Sheriff’s Office and Marcia Hellandsaas with NDSU Extension/McKenzie County always ask communities when preparing…

Top 5 Ways to Help Refugees Now – HS Today
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Top 5 Ways to Help Refugees Now – HS Today

World events like drought, famine, and increased severe weather are displacing more and more people around the globe. According to the Pew Research Center, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has resulted in the sixth largest outflow of refugees over the past sixty years. Over 100 million people are currently displaced. Many people are looking for…

Coalition demands end to means testing of legal aid for survivors of trafficking
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Coalition demands end to means testing of legal aid for survivors of trafficking

Hope for Justice, as part of a coalition of trafficking and legal experts, is…

The post Coalition demands end to means testing of legal aid for survivors of trafficking first appeared on Hope for Justice.