Legal Representation

Legal representation is the act of providing legal advice and representation to someone in a legal matter. This can be done by a lawyer or other legal professional, such as a paralegal. Legal representation is important because it can help ensure that an individual’s rights and interests are protected in legal proceedings. A lawyer can provide legal advice and guidance, help to negotiate settlements, and represent an individual in court. In some cases, such as criminal proceedings, the right to legal representation is guaranteed by law.



In Dialogue with Malawi, Experts of the Committee against Torture Commend Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking, Ask about Access to Lawyers and the Definition of Torture

In Dialogue with Malawi, Experts of the Committee against Torture Commend Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking, Ask about Access to Lawyers and the Definition of Torture

The Committee against Torture today concluded its consideration of the initial report of Malawi, with Committee Experts commending efforts to combat human trafficking, and raising questions about access to lawyers and the definition of torture. Anna Racu, Committee Vice Chairperson and Co-Rapporteur for Malawi, said that it was positive that Malawi had adopted the Trafficking…

Legal aid funding system fails trafficking survivors

Legal aid funding system fails trafficking survivors

A new report by the Anti Trafficking Labour and Exploitation Unit (ATLEU) published this week reveals the devastating consequences of the lack of access to legal aid for many survivors of trafficking and modern-day slavery.   Legal aid exists to help those who cannot afford to pay for legal costs to access legal advice, family mediation…

Pelham locals host Walk For Freedom, raise awareness of human trafficking

Pelham locals host Walk For Freedom, raise awareness of human trafficking

PELHAM, Ala. (WIAT) — Abolitionists are gathering all around the world today shining a spotlight on human trafficking. A local group in Pelham showed their support during this year’s 8th annual Walk For Freedom. Those who joined Pelham’s silent walk tell CBS42 that human trafficking is still alive and very real even today. Every third…

Royal Family News: Severe Setback For Prince Andrew's Convict Friend Ghislaine Maxwell

Royal Family News: Severe Setback For Prince Andrew's Convict Friend Ghislaine Maxwell

British royal family news shows that Prince Andrew’s friend, convicted felon Ghislaine Maxwell, just experienced a humiliating setback behind bars after being sentenced for sex trafficking. Ghislaine was labeled the “pimp” for late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, Andrew’s longtime American friend. She is serving a 20-year sentence in a low security prison dubbed Club Fed…

ATEST Joins Others to Support Passage of Bill to Help Trafficking Survivors Clear their Names of Wrongful Criminal Records
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ATEST Joins Others to Support Passage of Bill to Help Trafficking Survivors Clear their Names of Wrongful Criminal Records

Terry FitzPatrick September 14, 2022 The undersigned non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and anti-trafficking leaders who work to end human trafficking, write in support of H.R. 8672, the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act of 2022 (TSRA) introduced by Representatives Owens (R-UT) and Lieu (D-CA) in the House of Representatives. A companion bill is pending introduction in the Senate….

Hope for Justice Co-ordinates Coalition of NGOs to Support the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act
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Hope for Justice Co-ordinates Coalition of NGOs to Support the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act

This article is reprinted from its original location at Hope for Justice‘s website. It was pulled from their RSS feed for your education. Visit Hope for Justice’s news page by clicking here. Hope for Justice has written, and marshalled support for, a letter in support of a Bill introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives,…

Cox: Human traffickers target youngsters on social media – Trinidad and Tobago Newsday
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Cox: Human traffickers target youngsters on social media – Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Sean Douglas Donna Cox MINISTER of Social Development Donna Cox has warned that human traffickers were using social media to try to ensnare youngsters and adults into a life of exploitation. She was speaking on Wednesday at the Brix Hotel, St Ann’s, at the launch of Heal, Empower, Rise Counter Trafficking in Persons (HER CTIP)…

Spotlight on seasonal workers – Northamptonshire Police

Spotlight on seasonal workers – Northamptonshire Police

Modern slavery takes many forms, with men, women and children of all ages and backgrounds falling victim to human trafficking, forced labour, domestic servitude, or debt bondage. People can be exploited to work for little or no pay in trades such as car washes, food production and the beauty and construction industries. However, seasonal workers…

Police Scotland: Outcry as thousands are held under immigration powers | The National
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Police Scotland: Outcry as thousands are held under immigration powers | The National

MORE than 3000 people – including asylum seekers – have been held in police cells for up to 72 hours under immigration powers over the past five years, new figures reveal. The latest statistics, released under freedom of information legislation, show the majority of people held in police cells for “immigration purposes” are from countries…