Gorilla Pimp

Gorilla (or Guerilla) Pimp: A pimp who controls his victims almost entirely through physical violence and force.

Human trafficking terms
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Human trafficking terms

Editor’s note: We’ve collected terms and definitions from a variety of sources for your research. From Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children The following list of key terms used in sex trafficking is published in Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children by Linda Smith. To learn more, order your copy of…

The Victim Cycle of Sex Trafficking
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The Victim Cycle of Sex Trafficking

How does someone become a victim of a trafficker? It is easy to assume type of crime will not happen to you or your young person, however, this type of predator is usually very smooth, and their intentions can be difficult to detect. There is a general cycle that each victim experiences within this crime…