
To donate means to give money, goods, or time to a person, organization, or cause. Donating can be a way for individuals to support causes or organizations that they believe in and to contribute to making a positive difference in the world.

There are many ways to donate, including giving money directly to a person or organization, donating goods or supplies, or volunteering time and skills. Donations can be made to a wide range of organizations, including charities, non-profits, religious organizations, and other types of groups.

There are often tax benefits to donating, as many donations are tax-deductible in some countries. Donating can also be a way for individuals to feel good about themselves and to make a positive impact in their communities and the world.



My life was horrible, but this did not deter me from pushing through, as I had to support my children.
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My life was horrible, but this did not deter me from pushing through, as I had to support my children.

I am a 48-year old Kenyan woman from Kilifi. I have a diploma in front office management but my original profession could not support my four children. The father of my children abandoned us and remarried, so I was their only option for a better future. In 2011, a close friend introduced me to a…

Instead of facilitating my career as a singer, they forced me into sex work.
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Instead of facilitating my career as a singer, they forced me into sex work.

I am an artist, songwriter and performer. It was extremely difficult for me to make a living from my passion in Uganda. A friend mentioned there are lots of opportunities for performing abroad. She referred me to an agent who recommended Dubai as a starting point. I was thrilled that I was finally getting the…

Juvenile Delinquent or Victim of Human Trafficking?
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Juvenile Delinquent or Victim of Human Trafficking?

Story of a Human Trafficking Victim It’s midnight. Officer Scott pulls his patrol car into the lot of a small, 24-hour convenience store. As he approaches, he peers through the decal-laden glass door to see a middle-aged man struggling to restrain an agitated 16-year old girl. The store owner had caught this young woman and…

Global Centurion: June Newsletter

Global Centurion: June Newsletter

  Do You Know the Next Norma Hotaling Award Recipient? Norma Hotaling (1951-2008), founder of SAGE, transcended homelessness, addiction and prostitution to transform her suffering into opportunity and hope for others. Trafficked into prostitution as a child, she remained trapped in the sex industry for eighteen years. By sheer personal will, she overcame the vicious […]

Global Centurion: April Newsletter

Global Centurion: April Newsletter

GCF Serving as Subject Matter Expert to the Department of Defense One of the most horrific abuses we encounter in our work atGlobal Centurion Foundation(GCF) is when those entrusted to protect and defend wittingly or unwittingly exploit and abuse the most vulnerable among us. These tragedies often serve as a wake-up call for the government […]

Kiwis turning to illegal organ trafficking
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Kiwis turning to illegal organ trafficking

Desperate New Zealanders are turning to illegal organ trafficking because of a shortage of organs here, a University of Canterbury law researcher says. Masters student Rachel Walsh is investigating the booming international organ trafficking market, made popular because of a severe shortage of organs here and internationally. More people were seeking alternative options to acquire…

The Devil Went Down to Denver: The Satanic Temple, Unbaptisms, and Christian Conservatism

The Devil Went Down to Denver: The Satanic Temple, Unbaptisms, and Christian Conservatism

Editor’s note: We present articles with information on “satanic panic” for your research on American culture. “They’re demonic. It’s sickening, some of these books,” said Cain Young of Task Force Freedom during a Jan. 24 presentation at Message of Life Ministries in Loveland. The purpose of the meeting was to present “actions you can take…