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Today, on the 2nd annual Day of Enlightenment, we remember and honor George Floyd.

Today, on the 2nd annual Day of Enlightenment, we remember and honor George Floyd. His unjust murder sparked a widespread of deep-seated racism that continues to invade our communities and harm people of color.
Since that day, countless individuals and institutions have committed to combatting racism and discrimination. But two years later, Black and Brown folks continue to experience daily discrimination and heinous hate crimes.
Our clients' ethnicity and race often play a role in their trauma and experiences.
– Over 66% of our survivor clients are non-white.
– Many have endured anti-Black or anti-immigrant rhetoric and violence from buyers.
– Many don't feel safe around .
We cannot end human trafficking without fighting all forms of discrimination. They are permanently intertwined. That's why our commitment to end racism remains fresh on our minds. Every. Single. Day.

This “Eyes on Trafficking” story is reprinted from United Against Human Trafficking's Facebook feed.


PBJ Learning is a leading provider of human trafficking training, focusing on awareness and prevention education. Their interactive Human Trafficking Essentials is being used worldwide to educate professionals and individuals how to recognize human trafficking and how to respond to a potential victim. Their online is available for use on any web browser (even your mobile phone) at any time.

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