Victims Of Intimate Partner Violence

Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force will hold annual summit January 26–27

Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force will hold annual summit January 26–27

Human trafficking is the second-largest criminal activity in the world and the fastest-growing. Awareness in the United States has increased, but human trafficking continues to go underreported due to its nature of isolation, the misconception of the definition of human trafficking and the lack of awareness of its signs and indicators. Human trafficking occurs when…

Understanding, Preventing, and Responding to Human Trafficking
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Understanding, Preventing, and Responding to Human Trafficking

Listen to the original podcast here. Justice Today Podcast Human trafficking is an issue without a simple solution, but research on this problem is helping victims and developing tools and information to help better understand, prevent, and respond to trafficking. NIJ Scientist Mary Carlton joins host Josh Mondoro, Communications Assistant at NIJ, for a discussion…