UK Home Office Modern Slavery Innovation Fund

The UK Home Office Modern Slavery Innovation Fund is a fund that provides financial support to organizations that are working to combat modern slavery and human trafficking in the UK. The fund was established in 2017, and it is managed by the UK Home Office, which is the government department responsible for immigration, security, and law and order. The fund provides grants to organizations that are working on innovative projects to prevent, detect, or respond to modern slavery and human trafficking. The fund supports a range of projects, including those that develop new technologies, services, or approaches to combat these crimes. The UK Home Office Modern Slavery Innovation Fund is an important part of the UK’s efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

Improving access to remedy for migrant workers: conclusions from a 3-year project
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Improving access to remedy for migrant workers: conclusions from a 3-year project

25 July 2022 In our latest blog, Cristina Patriarca shares the conclusions from a 3-year project working to improve access to remedy for migrant workers.  Image credit: Bannafarsai_Stock, via Shutterstock. Modern slavery in supply chains is a widespread, world-wide problem. Regardless of international labour standards and frameworks, “low-skilled” migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to exploitation…