Trafficking Victim Assistance Program

Ending January recognizing Human Trafficking Prevention Month – Seymour Tribune

Ending January recognizing Human Trafficking Prevention Month – Seymour Tribune

The National Human Trafficking Hotline website showed that at any given time in 2021, approximately 27.6 million people were in forced labor. While January is coming to a close, it is a month that spreads awareness and educates others on human trafficking prevention. Human trafficking is defined as the use of force, fraud or coercion…

City of West Hollywood Recognizes January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
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City of West Hollywood Recognizes January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

During the month of January, governments, advocacy organizations, anti-trafficking entities, law enforcement officials, survivor advocates, communities of faith, businesses, and individuals all around the world unite to raise awareness to prevent and end human trafficking. In commemoration of the month, from Tuesday, January 10, 2023 through Friday, January 20, 2023, West Hollywood City Hall and…

For labor trafficked immigrants, T-visas are a life-saving but flawed relief – WGBH

For labor trafficked immigrants, T-visas are a life-saving but flawed relief – WGBH

In 2018, the police came to a home in Saugus, Massachusetts, to rescue Anabelle Masalon, a Filipina housekeeper who had been essentially a prisoner of the family from the United Arab Emirates that employed her. She had been forced to work 21-hour days, earning no more than $400 a month, unable to leave the house…