Supply Chain

A supply chain is a network of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in the production, handling, and distribution of goods and services. The supply chain starts with the raw materials or components that are used to create a product, and it ends with the delivery of the finished product to the consumer.

The supply chain includes a wide range of activities, such as sourcing, manufacturing, warehousing, transportation, and distribution. The supply chain is a key factor in the efficiency and effectiveness of a business, and it can have a significant impact on the cost, quality, and sustainability of a product.

Supply chain management is the process of coordinating and optimizing the activities of the supply chain to maximize value and minimize risk.

Can private inspections and certification schemes really fix forced labor?
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Can private inspections and certification schemes really fix forced labor?

A new report by Human Rights Watch explores the potential of audits and certification schemes to hold companies accountable for labor abuses in their global supply chains and what their […]

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EU Parliament adopts major new legislation on corporate sustainability reporting

EU Parliament adopts major new legislation on corporate sustainability reporting

The EU Parliament has strongly approved the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This new directive will update the EU’s current reporting framework for businesses on issues including modern slavery and exploitation in supply chains – a reporting framework which has until now been perceived as “largely insufficient and unreliable” according to an EU Parliament press…

Improving the proposed EU regulation to ban forced labour products: a model law
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Improving the proposed EU regulation to ban forced labour products: a model law

10 November 2022 In the latest blog, Sian Lea and Rocio Domingo Ramos from the Business and Human Rights team discuss the proposed EU regulation to ban forced labour products and introduce our model law.   Image credit: Alexandre Lallemand, via Unsplash. On 14 September 2022, the European Commission published a proposal for a law…

“Andor” shows how exploitation leads to the Dark Side, from bureaucratic drudgery to prison labor

“Andor” shows how exploitation leads to the Dark Side, from bureaucratic drudgery to prison labor

There are enough stories about the wrongfully convicted to make the circumstances that land the titular hero of “Andor” in prison seem entirely plausible. In the drama’s seventh episode, “Announcement,” Diego Luna’s Cassian Andor is hiding out beachside in a place called Niamo. He has money, romantic companionship and an appropriately low profile under the…

Should aid agencies set their sights on modern slavery?

Should aid agencies set their sights on modern slavery?

Given that this is the nub of it, it is wholly bizarre that the global estimates barely mentions the Forced Labour Protocol, an international law agreed in 2014. Because this protocol answers that very question. The Forced Labour Protocol is about several things. But at its heart, it requires those governments that ratify it to…

COP27: the impact of climate change on modern slavery must not be ignored
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COP27: the impact of climate change on modern slavery must not be ignored

7 November 2022 Image credit: Thammachak Sotiya, via Shutterstock. This year we have seen the devastating impact on human lives by environmental events, amplified by climate change, such as the floods in Pakistan and devastating drought in the Horn of Africa, caused by five years of lack of rain. We know that in many cases…

In the spotlight: the UK’s human rights and modern slavery record under review
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In the spotlight: the UK’s human rights and modern slavery record under review

04 November 2022 In our latest blog, Jo Baker, International Advocacy Manager, takes a look at the UN’s five-year human rights reviews, which will spotlight the UK in 2022. Image credit: Melinda Nagy, via Shutterstock. Every five years, the UK has a human rights health check at the United Nations, performed by other countries, and…

States at COP27 must push climate action without modern slavery
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States at COP27 must push climate action without modern slavery

States are gathering in Egypt on Sunday for the COP27 UN climate summit where the importance of pushing for human rights-based climate action that prioritizes building resilience to modern slavery is paramount.  Activists silenced Egypt has come under scrutiny for its alarming human rights record and increasingly stringent restrictions on human rights and environmental activists,…

Black & Veatch Initiates Sponsorship to Help Combat Human Trafficking | News
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Black & Veatch Initiates Sponsorship to Help Combat Human Trafficking | News

OVERLAND PARK, Kan.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Nov 3, 2022– The Senior Policy Operating Group, part of a U.S. cabinet-level entity through The President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, estimates there are nearly 25 million adults and children around the world who are victims of human trafficking, a form of modern-day slavery that includes…

The dark side of the flower sector: the growing exploitation of women in Kenya
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The dark side of the flower sector: the growing exploitation of women in Kenya

03 November 2022 In our latest blog, Eunice Waweru from Workers’ Rights Watch (WRW) – Anti-Slavery International partner in Kenya – exposes the exploitation of women in the flower industry in Kenya. Image credit: SL-Photography vis Shutterstock. Buying flowers can be a great way to express love and friendship, or to simply brighten up a…