Striking Worker

11 times Jacob Rees-Mogg revealed what he really thinks about your rights

11 times Jacob Rees-Mogg revealed what he really thinks about your rights

Editor’s note: we have no political affiliation; this is presented for educational purposes. Jacob Rees-Mogg is now the man in charge of our hard-won workers’ rights, as the secretary of state for business, energy and industrial strategy. The UK’s last two prime ministers, Theresa May and Boris Johnson, both promised that Brexit would not weaken…

How To End Prison Labor Exploitation And Invest In Incarcerated People
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How To End Prison Labor Exploitation And Invest In Incarcerated People

A group of inmates walk in leg chains under supervision on a road near the South Florida Reception… [+] Center, a maximum security prison, in Miami Tuesday, Nov. 21, 1995. (AP Photo/Daniel Portnoy) On July 31, the California Department of Corrections tweeted, “Today, more than 2,000 volunteer inmate firefighters, including 58 youth offenders, are battling…

How To End Prison Labor Exploitation And Invest In Incarcerated People

How To End Prison Labor Exploitation And Invest In Incarcerated People

On July 31, the California Department of Corrections tweeted, “Today, more than 2,000 volunteer inmate firefighters, including 58 youth offenders, are battling wildfire flames throughout CA. Inmate firefighters serve a vital role, clearing thick brush down to bare soil to stop the fire’s spread.” Fifty-eight youth battling wildfire flames. In a practice that dates to…