
A statistic is a numerical value that summarizes or describes a set of data. Statistics are often used to analyze and interpret data, and they can provide valuable insights into patterns, trends, and relationships in the data. Some common types of statistics include measures of central tendency, such as the mean, median, and mode, which describe the center or typical value of a data set, and measures of dispersion, such as the range and standard deviation, which describe the spread or variability of a data set. Statistics can be calculated using a variety of methods and tools, including statistical software and specialized calculators. Statisticians are professionals who specialize in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data.

Tarrant County 5 Stones July 2023 Meeting
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Tarrant County 5 Stones July 2023 Meeting

Here is our recorded meeting link and chat notes for our July 2023 TC 5 Stones meeting! Our 5 Stones meeting this July consisted of some law enforcement updates and a presentation by Landon Dickeson, MS, LPC, Executive Director of Ranch Hands Rescue as he discussed the trafficking of boys and other overlooked populations. Here is the link…

Government, Civil Society & Scientology Combating Human Trafficking in South Africa: Some Challenges and Efforts in 2023
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Government, Civil Society & Scientology Combating Human Trafficking in South Africa: Some Challenges and Efforts in 2023

Glory Matipile is featured in an episode of Voices for Humanity on the Scientology Network. Scientology and its members are more and more involved in fighting human trafficking in different ways. Human Righs education and collaborative skills are key. JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, July 20, 2023/ — Scientology and its members are more and more involved…

Prevention Cohort LIVE Meetings, sponsored by PBJ Learning (Episodes 1-4)
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Prevention Cohort LIVE Meetings, sponsored by PBJ Learning (Episodes 1-4)

Join us! Radical Empathy welcomes all licensees and future licensees to join us at our weekly “Prevention Cohort,” where we discuss how to get the most out of training with the VR product, TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story. We get together every Thursday to discuss how others are using our tools. Come join us by…

Understanding the realities of human trafficking in Tampa Bay

Understanding the realities of human trafficking in Tampa Bay

Tampa (BLOOM) – Human trafficking is a pervasive and heinous crime that plagues our world, exploiting millions of individuals each year. To combat this issue effectively, it is crucial to gain a deep understanding of its realities. By shedding light on the scope, victims, contributing factors, and counter-trafficking efforts, we can work towards eradicating this…

Fundraiser seeks to raise awareness of sex, human trafficking

Fundraiser seeks to raise awareness of sex, human trafficking

Loni Nannini / Special to the Arizona Daily Star A group of local volunteers are battling to promote awareness about modern-day slavery and end human trafficking. To facilitate that mission, the Freedom Warriors seek to raise at least $40,000 at the Second Annual Top Golf Fundraiser. “These are moms, dads, daughters, sons, friends and neighbors…

Santa Maria Winery To Host Seminar On Human Trafficking Awareness And Prevention Thursday Evening
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Santa Maria Winery To Host Seminar On Human Trafficking Awareness And Prevention Thursday Evening

The public is invited to Santa Maria Winery on Thursday evening for a seminar on the alarming increase in human trafficking cases and ways for everyday Iowans to spot possible victims. From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., a speaker from Garden Gate Ranch in Des Moines will share concerning statistics about human trafficking in Iowa,…

Trafficking survivor comes out of the shadows to get hotels to curb crime
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Trafficking survivor comes out of the shadows to get hotels to curb crime

The first time Anneke Lucas heard about legislation designed to rescue human trafficking victims in hotels, she couldn’t help but think about how something like that could have helped her as a child. “If I had seen the definition that said I was not a prostitute, that would have made a difference for me,” Lucas…

‘America’s Darkest Secret’: Sex Trafficking, Child Abuse and the Biden Administration
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‘America’s Darkest Secret’: Sex Trafficking, Child Abuse and the Biden Administration

The criminal practice of trafficking and abusing hundreds of thousands of migrant children who cross the southern border is now, thanks to the open-border policy of the Biden Administration, apparently “normal” inside the US: “According to Customs and Border Protection, since January 2021 when Biden took the oath of office, there have been 5,118,661 encounters…

Sound of Freedom: The film you almost never had the chance to see
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Sound of Freedom: The film you almost never had the chance to see

  When Eduardo Verastegui learned about Operation Underground Railroad, a nonprofit organization that works to save children from sex trafficking, he knew he wanted to tell its story. Specifically, he wanted to tell the story of Tim Ballard, its founder and CEO. Ballard had spent more than a decade at the Department of Homeland Security,…