South Africa

South Africa is a country located at the southern tip of the African continent. It has a diverse population of around 60 million people and is known for its beautiful landscapes, cultural heritage, and history of apartheid. However, like many countries around the world, South Africa also faces significant challenges related to poverty, inequality, and crime.

In relation to human trafficking, South Africa is considered a source, transit, and destination country for trafficking in persons. Both internal and cross-border trafficking occur in South Africa, with victims often being trafficked for sexual exploitation, forced labor, and forced marriage. South African children are particularly vulnerable to trafficking, with many being forced to work in agriculture, domestic service, and mining, among other sectors.

Despite efforts by the South African government to combat human trafficking, the country continues to face significant challenges in addressing the problem. One of the main obstacles is the lack of effective law enforcement, which means that many traffickers are able to operate with impunity. In addition, poverty and unemployment make many people vulnerable to trafficking, while corruption and collusion among officials and criminal networks make it difficult to identify and prosecute traffickers.

Overall, South Africa is a country that faces significant challenges related to human trafficking. While the government has taken steps to address the problem, more needs to be done to improve law enforcement, protect vulnerable individuals, and hold traffickers accountable. It is also important for civil society organizations, faith-based groups, and other stakeholders to work together to raise public awareness of the problem and to provide support to victims of trafficking.



I was excited to finally get out of sex work.
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I was excited to finally get out of sex work.

I am a 34-year-old single mother of two girls from Eldoret. I used to work as a sex worker in a nightclub. In March 2018, I was approached by one of my clients, Kim. He promised me a well-paying job in South Africa as a residential apartment caretaker. I was excited to finally get out…

Wildlife and drug trafficking, terrorism, and human security
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Wildlife and drug trafficking, terrorism, and human security

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Not enough done to reintegrate victims of human trafficking, UN-backed report warns
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Not enough done to reintegrate victims of human trafficking, UN-backed report warns

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