Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking in which individuals are exploited for the purposes of commercial sex. This can include prostitution, as well as other forms of sexual exploitation such as pornography or exotic dancing. Victims of sex trafficking are often coerced or forced into the sex trade, and may be threatened or physically harmed if they try to leave. Being trafficked for sex is a global problem and can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. It is important to recognize the signs of sex trafficking and to report any suspected cases to the appropriate authorities.

Anyone can be vulnerable to sex trafficking, although certain groups are at higher risk. This includes individuals who are marginalized or disadvantaged due to factors such as poverty, lack of education, and lack of access to opportunities. It also includes individuals who have experienced trauma, such as sexual abuse or domestic violence, as well as those who are struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues. Additionally, certain populations may be particularly vulnerable to sex trafficking, such as undocumented immigrants, individuals who are homeless or living in shelters, and individuals who are involved in the child welfare or foster care systems. Sex traffickers often target individuals who are vulnerable and may be less likely to report the abuse or seek help.

If you or someone you know is a victim, there are several steps you can take to get help. The first and most important step is to reach out for support from trusted friends, family members, or professionals who can provide assistance and guidance. This may include contacting a hotline or crisis center that specializes in assisting victims, or reaching out to law enforcement for help. It is also important to seek medical care and support for any physical or psychological trauma that you may have experienced as a result of the trafficking. You can also contact organizations that specialize in providing services to victims of sex trafficking, such as victim advocacy groups, legal organizations, and social service agencies. These organizations can provide you with information, support, and assistance as you navigate the process of recovery.

Let us unite to end all forms of exploitation against children – The East African

Let us unite to end all forms of exploitation against children – The East African

Each year, the world unites to commemorate the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. This international campaign kicks off on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs through December 10, the Human Rights Day. This year, Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH NL) is shining a spotlight on…

Sex trafficking case resumes in Cape Town court – News24

Sex trafficking case resumes in Cape Town court – News24

The trial of the two men and a woman allegedly involved in trafficking women for sex, resumed in the Western Cape High Court on Tuesday.  They are also charged with debt bondage and assault, relating to an alleged brothel off Koeberg Road in Cape Town. They have all pleaded not guilty. The trial of two…

ATEST Applauds Senate Passage of the Second of Four Bills to Reauthorize Trafficking Victims Protection Act
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ATEST Applauds Senate Passage of the Second of Four Bills to Reauthorize Trafficking Victims Protection Act

Terry FitzPatrick WASHINGTON – The Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking (ATEST) thanks members of the U.S. Senate for passage this week of the International Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (S. 4171). This bill is a key component of a four-part package of legislation to reauthorize the legal framework for efforts by the United States…

New bill would put human trafficking hotline in every port of entry – The 19th News

New bill would put human trafficking hotline in every port of entry – The 19th News

Each year, tens of thousands of people text or call 1-888-373-7888, the national human trafficking hotline. Now, lawmakers are pushing to require that number to be posted in every airport, bus station, rail station and all ports of entry in the United States.  Senators introduced on Thursday the Human Trafficking Prevention Act, bipartisan legislation which…

Turning Point creates unique human trafficking program – Macomb Daily

Turning Point creates unique human trafficking program – Macomb Daily

Turning Point has been helping survivors of domestic violence for decades, including victims of human trafficking, who were compelled against their will by force, fraud and coercion into commercial sexual acts or into labor or service. Now, thanks to a $400,000 renewable grant from Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Turning Point will have a Human…

Thelwell honored for her commitment to fighting human trafficking, child exploitation and elder abuse
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Thelwell honored for her commitment to fighting human trafficking, child exploitation and elder abuse

Assistant U.S. Attorney Lisa Thelwell was awarded “Prosecutor of the Year” by Attorney General Ashley Moody at the annual Human Trafficking Summit. Lisa Thelwell remembers that August day in 2012 when Chief Assistant Don Horn welcomed her class of 40 new hires — mostly beginning lawyers like her — to the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office….

Ghislaine Maxwell Net Worth: How Much Wealthier is She? – Lake County News

Ghislaine Maxwell Net Worth: How Much Wealthier is She? – Lake County News

Here we are talking about Ghislaine Maxwell net worth, Former British socialite and convicted sex offender Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell. She was convicted of child sex trafficking in 2021 in addition to other crimes related to financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. She received a 20-year prison term on June 28, 2022, in a…

Alabama Defendant Sentenced to 60 Years and Ordered to Pay Over $950,000 in Restitution for Sex Trafficking Scheme Involving Forced Prostitution
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Alabama Defendant Sentenced to 60 Years and Ordered to Pay Over $950,000 in Restitution for Sex Trafficking Scheme Involving Forced Prostitution

U.S. District Court Judge R. Austin Huffaker Jr. of the Middle District of Alabama sentenced defendant Lonnie Mitchell, 36, of Montgomery, Alabama, to 60 years in prison for coercing several victims, including a minor, to engage in prostitution over the course of several years. The judge also ordered the defendant to pay over $950,000 in…

Kern County Human Trafficking Task Force Holiday Donation Drive Underway | News
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Kern County Human Trafficking Task Force Holiday Donation Drive Underway | News

The Kern County Human Trafficking Task Force has teamed with Ascend Real Estate and Property Management to host a holiday donation drive benefitting the Kern County Family Justice Center Foundation by providing clothing, personal hygiene toiletries, and other necessary comfort items for local victims of human trafficking crimes. All too often, when men, women, and…

How ‘modern slavery’ thrives in the U.S. through visa programs

How ‘modern slavery’ thrives in the U.S. through visa programs

HOUSTON – Sex trafficking and human smuggling make big headlines in Texas. They are both forms of human trafficking that victimizes many. Yet experts say another form of trafficking that is easier to accomplish is creating what many consider modern day slavery. [embedded content] It is called labor trafficking and the traffickers take advantage of…