
Prostitution is the practice of providing sexual services in exchange for money or other forms of payment. Prostitution is often referred to as the “world’s oldest profession,” and has existed in some form in most cultures throughout history. However, the legality and social acceptance of prostitution varies widely, and it is often stigmatized and subject to legal restrictions. Those who engage in prostitution are often referred to as sex workers, and can include individuals of any gender or age. Prostitution is a controversial and complex issue, and opinions on it vary greatly.



Super Bowl Sex Trafficking
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Super Bowl Sex Trafficking

A widely touted myth shrouding the Super Bowl every year is that there is a significant increase in human trafficking in the big game’s host city. The truth remains that there are no definitive statistics about how much of an increase there is in prostitution over Super Bowl weekends. While it is assumed some escorts…

Bystanders Vital in Combatting Human Trafficking
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Bystanders Vital in Combatting Human Trafficking

Despite the fact that human trafficking’s domestic victims are commonly exploited in the sex trade, there are several other commercial realms in which workers are exploited. These are often workers who are considered to be hidden in plain sight because consumers assume they are not being exploited because they are faces of legal businesses, such…

Security Council urges action against human trafficking, sexual abuse by ISIL and other terror groups
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Security Council urges action against human trafficking, sexual abuse by ISIL and other terror groups

The Security Council today called on all United Nations Member States to do everything in their power to combat human trafficking, especially for sexual purposes, citing the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and Boko Haram as prime perpetrators.

Victims Health Survey – Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking

Victims Health Survey – Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking

The Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy at Loyola University Chicago recently released the Annals, a bi-annual journal covering health law topics. In this Winter 2014 issue, Laura Lederer, J.D., President of Global Centurion, and Chris Wetzel, published an article on “The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in […]

Global Centurion Announces 2013 Norma Hotaling Anti-Trafficking Award Winners

Global Centurion Announces 2013 Norma Hotaling Anti-Trafficking Award Winners

Global Centurion Foundation is pleased to announce the 2013 winners of the 4th Annual Norma Hotaling Anti-Trafficking Awards. The three awardees for 2013 are Kathleen Mitchell (Founder of DIGNITY House), James Dold (Former Senior Policy Counsel to Polaris Project), and Melissa Farley (Founder of Prostitution Research & Education). Read about them here: 2013 Norma Hotaling […]

Not enough done to reintegrate victims of human trafficking, UN-backed report warns
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Not enough done to reintegrate victims of human trafficking, UN-backed report warns

“Any support offered to victims of trafficking needs to be given in a way that restores a sense of control for the victims over their own lives,” the regional project manager for the UN Inter-agency Project on Human Trafficking (UNIAP), said of the study, commissioned by the Governments of the Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative against…

The New Prostitutes? What is human trafficking evolving into?
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The New Prostitutes? What is human trafficking evolving into?

Dear Global Centurion Foundation friends, we wanted to highlight a Letter to the Editor from Melissa Farley, Ph.D., Executive Director, Prostitution Research & Education, to the New York Times, regarding Robert Kolker’s article “The New Prostitutes”. Please share her thoughtful reply to your circles. There are no “new prostitutes” as Robert Kolker puts it.Instead, there…