
A nonprofit organization, or non-profit organization, is a type of organization that is established for charitable, educational, religious, or other public benefit purposes. Nonprofit organizations are not operated for the profit or personal gain of their members, directors, or officers, and any profits or surplus funds that they generate are typically used to further their charitable or public benefit objectives. Nonprofit organizations are exempt from certain taxes and regulations, and they may be eligible for certain grants and other forms of public or private funding. Nonprofit organizations are typically governed by a board of directors or trustees, and they may be organized as corporations, trusts, or other legal entities. Examples of nonprofit organizations include charities, schools, hospitals, and religious organizations.

Hackathon To Find Solutions For Tackling Child Abduction And Trafficking
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Hackathon To Find Solutions For Tackling Child Abduction And Trafficking

08/16/2019  San Francisco, California, United States HackerEarth, a leader in developer assessment software and ERASE Child Trafficking, an organization that supports law enforcement through human trafficking investigations training, together announce the launch of the “Missing Hackathon”. The hackathon is aimed at developing technological solutions to tackle the issues around child abduction and trafficking. According to the FBI’s…

Meet Rob Morris, The Leader Who Fights Human Trafficking From The Hallway

Meet Rob Morris, The Leader Who Fights Human Trafficking From The Hallway

  Rob Morris traveled to Southeast Asia in 2002 to learn more about the growing human trafficking advocacy movement. While on the trip, the drummer-turned-advocate was given a rare experience of joining an undercover team to a brothel investigation. There, he saw the girl who would change the course of his life. While standing shoulder-to-shoulder with predators,…

China’s Forced Labor Problem
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China’s Forced Labor Problem

In China, forced labor is sensitive topic. Years pass between the odd case of forced labor that sees the light of day in local media. Local labor NGOs rarely approach incidents of serious coercion in forced labor terms. Nobody knows the real extent, and surprisingly few, from China as well as abroad, prioritize exploring this…