Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline

The Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline is a UK-based service that provides support and assistance to victims of modern slavery and human trafficking. The helpline, which is run by the charity Unseen, was established in 2016 with funding from the UK government. It provides a confidential, anonymous, and free service for anyone who has concerns about modern slavery and human trafficking, including victims, survivors, and members of the public. The helpline offers advice, information, and referrals to other services, and it can provide support in a number of languages. The Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline is an important resource for anyone who needs help or support in relation to these crimes.

Spotlight on seasonal workers – Northamptonshire Police

Spotlight on seasonal workers – Northamptonshire Police

Modern slavery takes many forms, with men, women and children of all ages and backgrounds falling victim to human trafficking, forced labour, domestic servitude, or debt bondage. People can be exploited to work for little or no pay in trades such as car washes, food production and the beauty and construction industries. However, seasonal workers…