Lee County

Unbound Now BCS, BCSO launch new human trafficking task force | kagstv.com

Unbound Now BCS, BCSO launch new human trafficking task force | kagstv.com

Nine counties will be covered by the new task force in effort to stop human trafficking in the Brazos Valley. BRAZOS COUNTY, Texas — This past October, the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office and Unbound Now BCS received a $1.5 million grant to create a regional human trafficking taskforce, and now they are getting ready to…

For human trafficking survivors, "healing is a lifelong process" – Naples Daily News

For human trafficking survivors, "healing is a lifelong process" – Naples Daily News

At an early age, Tammy Toney-Butler was a victim of human trafficking. “As a trauma survivor, we don’t have a whole lot of memories,” said Toney-Butler. “But I know that I was being victimized way back in kindergarten and probably earlier. My mother would have been considered my trafficker.” Toney-Butler, founder of A & K…

$1.5 million grant to fight human trafficking awarded to Brazos County Sheriff’s Office

$1.5 million grant to fight human trafficking awarded to Brazos County Sheriff’s Office

The Brazos County Sheriff’s Office and Unbound Now BCS recently received a grant worth $1.5 million to create a multidisciplinary regional task force to fight human trafficking in the Brazos Valley. The Sheriff’s Office and Unbound Now BCS will each receive $750,000 distributed over the next three years. The task force will serve a 10-county…