Labor Exploitation

Labor exploitation, also known as labor trafficking or forced labor, refers to the practice of using force, fraud, or coercion to exploit individuals for labor or commercial sex. Labor exploitation often occurs in industries such as agriculture, domestic work, and construction, where workers may be vulnerable to abuse due to their immigration status, lack of education, or other factors. Victims of labor exploitation may be forced to work long hours for little or no pay, and may be subject to physical, sexual, or psychological abuse. Governments and organizations around the world are working to combat labor exploitation and protect the rights of workers.



How To End Prison Labor Exploitation And Invest In Incarcerated People

How To End Prison Labor Exploitation And Invest In Incarcerated People

On July 31, the California Department of Corrections tweeted, “Today, more than 2,000 volunteer inmate firefighters, including 58 youth offenders, are battling wildfire flames throughout CA. Inmate firefighters serve a vital role, clearing thick brush down to bare soil to stop the fire’s spread.” Fifty-eight youth battling wildfire flames. In a practice that dates to…

Technology – Abetting Traffickers and Eradicating Trafficking
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Technology – Abetting Traffickers and Eradicating Trafficking

In the area of combatting human trafficking, technology is both a help and a hindrance. As the tech sector evolved, it gave traffickers new and easier ways to recruit victims, with an accent on social media’s role. Now, advancements have been made to assist advocate agencies and law enforcement in monitoring illicit activity. Different technological…

Trafficking in children on the rise, says new UN report
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Trafficking in children on the rise, says new UN report

“Unfortunately, the report shows there is no place in the world where children, women and men are safe from human trafficking,” said UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov. “Official data reported to UNODC by national authorities represent only what has been detected. It is very clear that the scale of modern-day slavery is far worse,” he…