Knowledge is Power

What is helpful to know about human trafficking? – Lewiston Sun Journal

What is helpful to know about human trafficking? – Lewiston Sun Journal

This week I address the two questions I’m most frequently asked about human trafficking, “what do I do if I suspect there is human trafficking or I think I know a victim of human trafficking” and “what help is there for victims?” The first question is simple. Call the National Trafficking Hotline 1(888)-373-7888, text BeFree,…

Do’s and Don’ts for Teaching Your Kids How To Be Safe on the Internet
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Do’s and Don’ts for Teaching Your Kids How To Be Safe on the Internet

The internet is a great place to connect with others, enjoy funny content, and learn new things. However, when it comes to kids, it’s important that they know about some of the danger that can exist online and how they can better keep themselves safe. As safe adults in their lives, you are a key player…

Reality vs. Hype: Is the Super Bowl a major trafficking event?
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Reality vs. Hype: Is the Super Bowl a major trafficking event?

Do many fans come to the Super Bowl with a pocket full of cash to buy sex? And do traffickers amp up their businesses to cater to this flash audience? These are provocative questions, for certain. You might call them headline-inducing, which could explain why you’ve probably seen a story (or ten) based on this premise in the last few days and years.

What this Week’s Snapchat Updates Mean for Human Trafficking Prevention
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What this Week’s Snapchat Updates Mean for Human Trafficking Prevention

On January 19th, Snapchat announced new security measures to their platform in order to make it harder for adults to connect with adolescents they don’t know. This change was prompted by a desire to protect children from people trying to sell them drugs, but it could also help protect children from other predators, such as traffickers. 

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
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You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

After a year of online learning and youth continuing to be home alone, parents and caregivers can often think that they have established appropriate internet rules and boundaries: “Don’t talk to people you don’t know”, “don’t give out personal information/tell people where you live”, or “set your profile to private”. While these are important rules…