Janitorial Service

Human trafficking: A network of crime hidden across a vast American landscape

Human trafficking: A network of crime hidden across a vast American landscape

When Bekah Charleston was first targeted as a human trafficking victim, there were no whips, chains or white vans — just a kind face and a fake name who offered her a safe place to stay. As a 17-year-old Texas runaway, Charleston thought she was finding safe haven from drug dealers she had gotten involved…

Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force will hold annual summit January 26–27

Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force will hold annual summit January 26–27

Human trafficking is the second-largest criminal activity in the world and the fastest-growing. Awareness in the United States has increased, but human trafficking continues to go underreported due to its nature of isolation, the misconception of the definition of human trafficking and the lack of awareness of its signs and indicators. Human trafficking occurs when…