Immigration Advocate

Migrant child labor | Washington knew, but did not want to hear – The Global Domain News

Migrant child labor | Washington knew, but did not want to hear – The Global Domain News

In the spring of 2021, Linda Brandmiller was working at a San Antonio arena converted into an emergency shelter for migrant children. Thousands of boys slept on cots as the Biden administration grappled with record numbers of minors entering the United States without their parents. Ms. Brandmiller’s job was to help control sponsorships and she…

For labor trafficked immigrants, T-visas are a life-saving but flawed relief – WGBH

For labor trafficked immigrants, T-visas are a life-saving but flawed relief – WGBH

In 2018, the police came to a home in Saugus, Massachusetts, to rescue Anabelle Masalon, a Filipina housekeeper who had been essentially a prisoner of the family from the United Arab Emirates that employed her. She had been forced to work 21-hour days, earning no more than $400 a month, unable to leave the house…