Human Trafficking Course

There are many courses that focus on human trafficking. These courses can provide you with information on the different forms of human trafficking, how to recognize and respond to trafficking situations, and how to support victims of trafficking. Some courses may be offered online, while others may be in-person classes or workshops. To find a human trafficking course near you, you can try searching online for organizations that offer training on this topic, or contact your local law enforcement agency for more information.

Our human trafficking courses are available in our shop here.

In the human trafficking field, all courses are not equal. Hold us to the highest standards; we do.

Global Centurion: April Newsletter

Global Centurion: April Newsletter

GCF Serving as Subject Matter Expert to the Department of Defense One of the most horrific abuses we encounter in our work atGlobal Centurion Foundation(GCF) is when those entrusted to protect and defend wittingly or unwittingly exploit and abuse the most vulnerable among us. These tragedies often serve as a wake-up call for the government […]