
The United States’ Practice of Forced Labor at Home and Abroad: Truth and Facts (Part One)
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The United States’ Practice of Forced Labor at Home and Abroad: Truth and Facts (Part One)

BEIJING, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) — The United States’ Practice of Forced Labor at Home and Abroad: Truth and Facts August 2022 Introduction Over the years, the United States has concocted the biggest lies of the century such as the so-called “genocide” and “forced labor” in Xinjiang, in an attempt to smear and contain China. It…

OPINION: Human trafficking escalates at border with Mexico – Santa Barbara News-Press
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OPINION: Human trafficking escalates at border with Mexico – Santa Barbara News-Press

Today we are witnessing one of the worst ever instances of human trafficking in the world, but it is not happening in some distant third-world country. It is happening in the U.S.A.! Our government is fully aware of the situation, but instead of acting to prevent the crime, our government is complicit. This human trafficking…

Despite the dangers, more are migrating to the U.S. by sea. A smuggler explains how. – NBC News
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Despite the dangers, more are migrating to the U.S. by sea. A smuggler explains how. – NBC News

BAJA CALIFORNIA, Mexico — The fisherman knows the Pacific Ocean well, having traveled the high seas to catch snapper, sole, grouper and other fish since he was 12 years old. But for a few years now, his expeditions — as well as those of other veteran Mexican fishermen from Baja California — go well beyond…

How the U.S. is endangering people seeking asylum
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How the U.S. is endangering people seeking asylum

On May 20, a U.S. judge blocked the termination of Title 42, a measure that authorizes the expulsion of non-U.S. citizens without screenings or asylum protection. Amnesty International has called this decision “an affront to the human rights of people in search of safety throughout the Americas region” in a recent article. Substantial research by…

Guest Worker Visas and Labor Trafficking: Weaknesses in the H2 Visa Programs
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Guest Worker Visas and Labor Trafficking: Weaknesses in the H2 Visa Programs

Exploitation is practically written into immigration and foreign labor policy Original document: March 12, 2022 We offer this article in audio form. It’s generated by a program; apologies for any weirdness. Introduction Where immigration policy and anti-human trafficking initiatives meet, loopholes are often created that allow for the continued exploitation and trafficking of foreign laborers…

Human Trafficking: Pathways to Prevention
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Human Trafficking: Pathways to Prevention

Recently, we participated in this online meeting. Here’s everything we received! Hope it’s useful for you. Friends, Thank you for your interest in Human Trafficking: Pathways to Prevention. This event was co-led by the HHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (HHS Partnership Center) and the Office of Trafficking in Persons within the Administration for Children and Families (contact info…

Hope Amid Crisis in Haiti

Hope Amid Crisis in Haiti

You have probably seen in the news that Haiti is facing a crisis with multiple layers: political instability, a natural disaster, economic uncertainty, food shortages, and kidnappings for ransom. The president was assassinated, a 7.2 earthquake killed more than 2,000 people and destroyed thousands of homes, unemployment has skyrocketed, and gangs control large parts of the capital, Port-au-Prince.

Despite this, Free the slaves and our partner Beyond Borders are building hope in rural communities affected by child slavery on the island read more >

New Project to Counter Migrant Smuggling
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New Project to Counter Migrant Smuggling

Vienna (Austria) 2 November 2021 – A two-year project to combat organized crime groups that smuggle migrants over multiple continents to North America is underway in thirteen countries. The STARSOM initiative will support States along the main smuggling routes to work together to respond to migrant smuggling while protecting the lives and upholding the rights…