
Human Trafficking is Modern-Day Slavery That Can Happen Just Around the Corner, Say Advocates for Victims – The Tablet

Human Trafficking is Modern-Day Slavery That Can Happen Just Around the Corner, Say Advocates for Victims – The Tablet

Portuguese maritime police investigate one of two sites where hundreds of human trafficking victims, mostly migrants from Southeast Asia, were found near Lisbon June 21, 2023. (OSV News photo/Miguel Pereira, Reuters) LONDON (OSV News) — Human trafficking doesn’t happen only in far away places where human rights are neglected. It happens around the corner. It’s…

Venezuela Security Policy: The Criminal Exploitation of the Migrant Crisis

Venezuela Security Policy: The Criminal Exploitation of the Migrant Crisis

Over the last decade, millions of Venezuelans have fled economic collapse and political turmoil, creating what is possibly the biggest migration crisis in the world. This exodus has represented a massive political challenge for the countries migrants have sought passage through or refuge in. It has also represented a major opportunity for organized crime.  Over…

Human Trafficking Statistics By Age, Venue, Type and Region – Enterprise Apps Today

Human Trafficking Statistics By Age, Venue, Type and Region – Enterprise Apps Today

Introduction Human Trafficking Statistics: Today, we reside in a modern world but yet there is not a single day when illegal activities do not happen. Unfortunately, illegal activities are focused more on girls and women. Sexual violence in such cases badly affects their physical, emotional as well as mental health. And surprisingly, even developed countries…

'I had nowhere to go': Labor traffickers are taking advantage of the Massachusetts housing crisis

'I had nowhere to go': Labor traffickers are taking advantage of the Massachusetts housing crisis

For eight months, Julio worked as a landscaper in Western Massachusetts, hauling rocks, digging ditches and pulling weeds about 70 hours a week, earning less than two dollars an hour. At night, tired and hungry, the Guatemalan immigrant would be driven back to his employer’s suburban home, where he would head down to the basement…

How to end 'global empire of capital' – New Age

How to end 'global empire of capital' – New Age

HUMANITY faces a grim fate because the global ruling class refuses to depart from the capitalist status quo even as their quest to maximize profits intensifies the climate crisis and the prospects of a nuclear war. But with enough solidarity, progressives around the world can build an egalitarian, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable society. That is…

More Than 250 Human Traffickers and Smugglers Behind Bars After Pan American Police Operation

More Than 250 Human Traffickers and Smugglers Behind Bars After Pan American Police Operation

An INTERPOL operation targeting human trafficking and migrant smuggling across Latin America and the Caribbean has seen victims rescued, migrants detected and suspected perpetrators arrested in 32 countries. The fourth in INTERPOL’s ‘Turquesa’ series of operations, the five-day (28 November – 2 December) operation saw Latin American investigators use INTERPOL capabilities to work with police…

Expanding Our Anti-Trafficking Work into Ecuador – Love Justice International

Expanding Our Anti-Trafficking Work into Ecuador – Love Justice International

“We have been praying for over 15 years to be able to do what we’re starting right now.” Melania Toledo, our new project manager in Ecuador, shared on a staff Zoom call the story of how her organization, Fundación Casa Mis Sueños, came to partner with Love Justice this year. Since modern slavery happens in…

Forgetting Fear: The Dangerous Journey of Visa-Free Migrants to the U.S. : Tico Times
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Forgetting Fear: The Dangerous Journey of Visa-Free Migrants to the U.S. : Tico Times

Some 40 migrants advance in a group towards an illegal crossing on Venezuela’s border with Colombia, the first stop on a visa-free journey to the United States on an odyssey on foot that will include the dangerous Darien Gap. “Fear is sometimes forgotten in order to get better things in life,” Eiden Serrada, an 18-year-old…

How education fights human trafficking | FairPlanet
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How education fights human trafficking | FairPlanet

July 26, 2022 Human trafficking is a profitable, hidden and, at the same time, widespread crime. According to the NGO A21, whose mission is to abolish all kinds of modern slavery, it generates an average of $150 billion in revenue every year at the cost of the freedom and safety of about 40 million people…

Mr. Boring and the million-dollar human trafficking business in Texas – EL PAÍS USA
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Mr. Boring and the million-dollar human trafficking business in Texas – EL PAÍS USA

Anthony Boring turned pale when the border patrol stopped his trailer. He was so nervous he could barely speak. With each question, Mr. Boring shrunk further back in the driver’s seat. “What’s the cargo?” one officer asked. “I don’t know,” he stammered, keeping the vehicle inching forwards in the hope that he would be able…