Debt Slavery

Debt servitude is a form of slavery in which a person is forced to work to pay off a debt. This practice, which is also known as debt bondage or bonded labor, is illegal in most countries. It often involves the use of violence or threats of violence to coerce the person into working to pay off the debt, and it often involves working in conditions that are unsafe or inhumane. Some people who are trapped in debt servitude may be unable to escape even after they have paid off the debt, as they may be forced to continue working to pay off additional debts or interest. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that there are currently around 25 million people around the world who are trapped in debt servitude.

Debt slavery is modern-day slavery. – Haqiqi Azadi
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Debt slavery is modern-day slavery. – Haqiqi Azadi

Debt slavery is modern-day slavery. Debt slavery is debt servitude. Debt slavery means debt bondage. Debt turns debtors into indentured servitude. Debt limits the autonomy of the debtor. Debt keeps indebted countries from accumulating capital stock. Debt has a negative effect on economic growth. Debt affects macroeconomic performance. Debt reduces per capita income growth. Government…

Bystanders Vital in Combatting Human Trafficking
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Bystanders Vital in Combatting Human Trafficking

Despite the fact that human trafficking’s domestic victims are commonly exploited in the sex trade, there are several other commercial realms in which workers are exploited. These are often workers who are considered to be hidden in plain sight because consumers assume they are not being exploited because they are faces of legal businesses, such…