Debt Bondage

Bonded labor, also known as debt bondage or debt slavery, is a form of labor in which a person is forced to work to pay off a debt. This practice is illegal in many countries, including the United States, as it is considered a form of modern-day slavery. Bonded labor often occurs in developing countries, where it is used as a means of securing cheap labor. In some cases, people may be tricked or coerced into accepting a loan, only to find out later that the terms of the loan are impossible to fulfill and that they are effectively trapped in a cycle of debt. This practice can have devastating effects on individuals and their families, as they are often forced to work long hours under dangerous or exploitative conditions in order to pay off their debt.

New Legislation Provides Survivors with a Path to Financial Freedom
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New Legislation Provides Survivors with a Path to Financial Freedom

Lana’s* trafficker put all the credit cards in her name. So when he skipped out on hotel bills, and defaulted on the car payment, it went straight to her credit report. She thought they were in love and she didn’t mind helping out in the beginning – since his credit was bad. But she slowly came to understand that the relationship was abusive, and she needed to break free. That part was hard enough. What she wasn’t counting on was how difficult it would be to rebuild her life – including her finances. She couldn’t even rent an apartment with a credit history like that. And until recently, there was no clear pathway for getting her credit cleaned up.

China’s Forced Labor Problem
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China’s Forced Labor Problem

In China, forced labor is sensitive topic. Years pass between the odd case of forced labor that sees the light of day in local media. Local labor NGOs rarely approach incidents of serious coercion in forced labor terms. Nobody knows the real extent, and surprisingly few, from China as well as abroad, prioritize exploring this…

Bystanders Vital in Combatting Human Trafficking
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Bystanders Vital in Combatting Human Trafficking

Despite the fact that human trafficking’s domestic victims are commonly exploited in the sex trade, there are several other commercial realms in which workers are exploited. These are often workers who are considered to be hidden in plain sight because consumers assume they are not being exploited because they are faces of legal businesses, such…

Agonising film SOLD shows the brutality of child trafficking | Daily Mail Online

Agonising film SOLD shows the brutality of child trafficking | Daily Mail Online

‘Trafficking children for sex is an abomination of humanity’: Gillian Anderson admits being shocked at the scale of the slave trade in India Up to 46 million people globally live as slaves, generating an estimated $150 billion in illegal profits a year An estimated 1.8 million children are sold into the sex trade every year …

Global Centurion: May Newsletter
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Global Centurion: May Newsletter

June 3, 2013 New Laws Take Aim at Human Trafficking in Government Contracting Although federal government contractors have long been prohibited from engaging in human trafficking, in recent years, allegations of labor trafficking and sex trafficking in federal contracting have surfaced.[1] In Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. government, particularly Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of…

Labor Trafficking Is Human Trafficking

Labor Trafficking Is Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is often thought of as only sexual activities, but a much larger population of victims is involved in labor trafficking. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) defines labor trafficking as: “The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or…