13 gifts for D&D fans to get ready for the 50th Anniversary

13 gifts for D&D fans to get ready for the 50th Anniversary

Editor’s note: D&D is experiencing a revival. This is an example of how it, and the “Satanic Panic,” are discussed in pop culture. It’s ok. DnD is cool again! On January 26th, 1974, the pen-and-paper role-playing game called Dungeons & Dragons appeared on the market. I was four years old. By the time I was…

10 Wellness Tips for World Mental Health Day

10 Wellness Tips for World Mental Health Day

Once you know about child sexual abuse, you can’t un-know it. Some days are really challenging and emotionally draining. In order to stay resilient in the fight to defend children from sexual abuse, protecting mental health is paramount. October 10th is World Mental Health Day. With hope in mind, we talked with Thorn employees, mental…

How Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons brought ‘satanic panic’ into the suburbs

How Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons brought ‘satanic panic’ into the suburbs

Growing up in Warragal, Victoria, in the 1980s, David Waldron’s after-school hobby — playing Dungeons and Dragons — was raising eyebrows. “It was a fringe hobby,” he recalls. “I was quite an introvert and having a few mates around to play these games with their elaborate rules was a fun thing to do on a Friday night. It…

From satanic panic to billion-dollar business: how Dungeons & Dragons conquered the world

From satanic panic to billion-dollar business: how Dungeons & Dragons conquered the world

A role-playing game born half a century ago in a Wisconsin basement has spawned an empire spanning film, TV and YouTube. How did it leave its mark on Stranger Things, ET and everyone from Stephen King to Elon Musk? by Stuart Jeffries  ‘We didn’t mean to unleash the greatest evil the world has ever known,”…

The True Story Behind Stranger Things’ Satanic Panic
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The True Story Behind Stranger Things’ Satanic Panic

© Provided by CBR The following contains spoilers for Stranger Things Season 4, Volume 1, now available to stream on Netflix. The fourth season of Stranger Things introduced a new key member of the main group: Eddie Munson, a new friend of Mike, Dustin and Lucas and president of Hawkins High’s Dungeons & Dragons group,…