Criminal Justice

Criminal justice is the system of laws, institutions, and practices that are used to enforce the law and to protect individuals and communities from crime. Criminal justice is a broad term that encompasses a range of different activities, including law enforcement, prosecution, courts, and corrections. The criminal justice system is designed to ensure that individuals who commit crimes are held accountable for their actions, and to protect the rights and safety of victims and the general public. Criminal justice is a complex and dynamic field, and it is influenced by a range of factors, including social, economic, and political forces. Individuals who work in criminal justice may include law enforcement officers, judges, lawyers, and corrections officers.

Global Centurion: April Newsletter

Global Centurion: April Newsletter

GCF Serving as Subject Matter Expert to the Department of Defense One of the most horrific abuses we encounter in our work atGlobal Centurion Foundation(GCF) is when those entrusted to protect and defend wittingly or unwittingly exploit and abuse the most vulnerable among us. These tragedies often serve as a wake-up call for the government […]