
Construction is an industry that involves the building, renovation, and repair of buildings and infrastructure. It is a crucial industry for the economy as it creates jobs and generates revenue for both the government and private sector. In 2019, the construction industry contributed $900 billion to the US economy and employed over 7 million people.

However, construction is also a high-risk industry for workplace injuries and fatalities. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 20% of workplace fatalities in 2019 were in the construction industry. Falls, being struck by an object, electrocution, and being caught in between objects are the leading causes of construction fatalities.

In addition, workers in the construction industry may also be vulnerable to labor trafficking and exploitation, particularly those who are hired through temporary work visas. Two commonly used temporary work visas in the construction industry are the H-2A and H-2B visas.

The H-2A visa is for temporary agricultural workers and the H-2B visa is for temporary non-agricultural workers. Both visas require an employer to petition for the worker and demonstrate a need for their labor. These visas have been criticized for creating conditions that make workers vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation.

For example, some employers withhold wages, confiscate workers’ passports, and subject them to unsafe working conditions. In some cases, workers may also be threatened with deportation if they speak out against these abuses.

To prevent labor trafficking and exploitation among H-2A and H-2B visa workers in the construction industry, it is important for employers to comply with all applicable labor laws and regulations. This includes ensuring that workers are paid fairly, have safe working conditions, and have access to their identification documents. Workers who suspect they are being exploited or trafficked should reach out to the National Human Trafficking Hotline for assistance.

As construction continues to be a vital part of the economy, it is essential that steps are taken to protect workers in this industry from both workplace injuries and trafficking. By promoting safe working conditions and ensuring compliance with labor laws, we can work towards creating a safer and fairer construction industry for all workers.



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