Coalition to End Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region

Are China labor monitoring agencies compromised?

Are China labor monitoring agencies compromised?

Global supply chains have become so complex that it makes accountability for human rights protections difficult. As illustrated in our interactive Freedom Map, forced labor is everywhere – from the clothes we wear to the food we eat. However, with proper due diligence, it is possible to track and monitor incidents of violations, such as…

Historic new Uyghur forced labour law in the USA: other countries must not become dumping grounds for Uyghur forced labour products
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Historic new Uyghur forced labour law in the USA: other countries must not become dumping grounds for Uyghur forced labour products

21 June 2022 Business and Human Rights Manager, Chloe Cranston, explains the impact of a new US law on Uyghur forced labour in global supply chains. Image by Olena Yakobchuk, via Shutterstock. Today, 21 June 2022, a historic new law will come into effect in the United States, which takes sweeping measures to address corporate…