
Brothel Cathouse Whorehouse — These establishments may be apartments, houses, trailers, or any facility where sex is sold on the premises. It could be in a rural area or nice neighborhood. Most brothels have security measures to prevent attacks by other criminals or provide a warning if  are nearby. The security is two sided–to keep the women and children in, as well as robbers out. The places often are guarded (and open) 24 hours a day, but some have closing times in which the victims are locked in from the outside. Victims may be kept in this location for extended periods of time, or rotated to other locations every few days.

Expanding Our Anti-Trafficking Work into Indonesia

Expanding Our Anti-Trafficking Work into Indonesia

A young tattooed girl stood in line for the ticket booth with two older women. The sun at its peak looked down through a hazy sky. Great hulking vessels waited lazily in the shipyard while people milled about over the docks, dragging luggage and readying for departure. This port in Indonesia is a hotspot for…

Is China overlooking its neighbours' concern on rising human trafficking cases? – Mizzima

Is China overlooking its neighbours' concern on rising human trafficking cases? – Mizzima

Mizzima/Shankar KumarIn China is a troublesome bugbear not only because of its avoidable territorial designs against its neighbours but also because of its human trafficking syndicates who lure away hundreds of people from Myanmar, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand on the pretext of providing them decent jobs but force them to work in…

China's human trafficking syndicates lure away hundreds from Southeast Asian … – ANI News

China's human trafficking syndicates lure away hundreds from Southeast Asian … – ANI News

Beijing [China], February 3 (ANI):In southeast Asian region, Chinese human trafficking syndicates operate in nexus with local authorities in countries for luring away hundreds of people on the pretext of providing them decent jobs but are forced to work in the illegal cryptocurrency business, brothels, and massage parlours, Mekong News reported. According to Mekong News,…

Police: Three arrested for suspected human trafficking in Salinas – KION546

Police: Three arrested for suspected human trafficking in Salinas – KION546

SALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV)- Salinas Police Department’s Violence Suppression Task Force, Detectives, and SWAT, along with Monterey County Sheriff’s SWAT team, the Monterey County District Attorney’s Office, and Homeland Security served a search warrant at a home at 62 Boronda Road Thursday. The warrant was an investigation into alleged prostitution and possible human trafficking happening on…

3 arrested as police bust suspected human trafficking in Salinas

3 arrested as police bust suspected human trafficking in Salinas

Authorities in Salinas have arrested three men for possible human trafficking, police said. According to investigators, multiple agencies served a search warrant Thursday at a 2-acre property on Boronda Road. The search warrant was an investigation of prostitution and possible human trafficking occurring on the property, police said. While searching the property, officers said they…

The Solution To Human Trafficking Is Hiding In Plain Sight | The Daily Wire

The Solution To Human Trafficking Is Hiding In Plain Sight | The Daily Wire

One in six teenage runaways become sex trafficking victims. Children, in fact, make up 20% of all trafficking victims. The statistics are staggering and tragic. They are motivating factors, though, in January being recognized as “Human Trafficking Awareness Month.” And while awareness is appreciated, it’s only the first step on the road to reform for a…

Two human trafficking survivors share their stories in hopes of helping others – Denver7

Two human trafficking survivors share their stories in hopes of helping others – Denver7

DENVER — Natalee Skye Bingham and Angela Williams met in September 2017, and they marked the start of their friendship with a Snapchat filter selfie. That selfie would be the first of many in a long friendship built not only on an affinity for each other, but also on deeper pain. The two had an…

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month – Calvin University Chimes

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month – Calvin University Chimes

“The problem of human trafficking isn’t somewhere else: It’s part of our whole community, and it’s part of my community,” Rachel VerWys, CEO of Safe Haven Ministries and contributor to West Michigan’s Human Trafficking Coalition, told Chimes. In the last 10 years, research on trafficking has increased, according to Stacia Hoeksema, social work professor, and…

Spain debates sex work law that will increase risk of exploitation

Spain debates sex work law that will increase risk of exploitation

A dangerous new law to criminalize sex work is currently being debated in the Spanish parliament. The proposed legislation seeks to criminalize the buyers of sexual services, commonly known as the Nordic Model. But evidence from countries where this framework is already in place suggest that this leaves sex workers more vulnerable to exploitation, violence…

Anti-trafficking, human rights groups to reject amended sex trade bill – The Mail & Guardian

Anti-trafficking, human rights groups to reject amended sex trade bill – The Mail & Guardian

A sex worker gestures flirtatiously to passing men as she stands outside a dilapidated multi-storey building on Nugget Street in Johannesburg’s Hillbrow area. “It’s not like a hotel, [there are] no bookings. They just come, we do business and they leave,” she said while waiting to do “business”. It has been a slow day, she…