Blu-Green Bond Scam

The Blu-Green Bond Scam is a financial scandal in Sri Lanka that involves the sale of government bonds. The scandal involves allegations of insider trading and corruption and led to the resignation of the Central Bank Governor, Arjuna Mahendran. The scandal has attracted significant media attention in Sri Lanka and has resulted in calls for reform of the country’s financial system. The exact details of the scandal are still being investigated and it is not clear how many individuals or organizations may be involved.



The Media Of Climate Anxiety And Debt Bondage: Cui Bono In A Post-Truth World?

The Media Of Climate Anxiety And Debt Bondage: Cui Bono In A Post-Truth World?

Editor’s note: we bring multiple viewpoints together for your research. It is a fact that climate fuels trafficking. “Cui bono” means “Who benefits?” and we encourage you to continue your research into this question.  Definition: cui bono | noun | cui bo·​no ˈkwē-ˈbō-(ˌ)nō 1: a principle that probable responsibility for an act or event lies…